PrincessJulia's Replies

Comics experts believe Spider-Man is currently 28 in the comics. ( ) he doesn't look too old to be still in work [spoiler]or to be a dad of a high-school student[/spoiler]. and the character might not be as old as the actor. In-story SM is only 15 in this movie, I know the actor is older, but still it's kind of gross to suggest his crotch should have been emphasized. For fuck's sake, it's not the third reboot in 15 years, it's the second. Raimi's films weren't a reboot (unless you count the 70s made-for-TV films). The two reboots were ASM and SM:H. I guess it's a reboot so they can choose to do stuff differently... she was a different Aunt May than we're used to. Shouldn't be, that was a made-for-TV movie. Thank you! It's so annoying how some people can't count reboots properly. The first boot of something can't possibly be a reboot. Plus, if it was, it would mean that every movie was a reboot, even the ones that have only ever booted once. That would make no sense whatsoever! I took it to be because he saved his life. But that takes away from the possibility of the Sinister Six. Or maybe it means that the Sinister Six will happen but that Vulture will have a change of heart and help SM take down the other Five? That could be pretty cool. I don't remember her being called Liz Allan in the movie, I only remember her being called Liz. If she was named Liz Allan, maybe her parents were unmarried when she was born (or still) and she took her mom's name. I think I have heard of such things happening. It's a reboot. Peter is 15 and still in high school in this movie. In ASM2 Peter was 18/19 and just graduating high school. So there is just no way it can be a sequel to ASM2. Haha, [spoiler]so many people lol'd at your theory and yet it is indeed true, she is called "MJ" by the end of the movie, even though she may not be called Mary Jane and is not truly the same character. Yeah, it is fucking crazy, but they did it anyway![/spoiler] It's not the 3rd reboot, it's "only" the 2nd. Raimi/Maguire = 1st iteration (not a reboot) Webb/Garfield = 2nd iteration (1st reboot) Watts/Holland = 3rd iteration (2nd reboot) The 70s live-action Spider-man didn't have any movies theatrically released in the U.S. If it did then you could count Raimi as a reboot.