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JulieTX (12)


Girls' Punishments Kizzy betrayed Missy Anne View all posts >


Which was why Missy Anne's offer was a good one. Kizzy was inevitably going to be a slave for life. Being owned by Missy Anne would have been the best deal possible. Actually, they were expected to show loyalty. Or, they got sold. A small few of my ancestors owned slaves. Most of my ancestors did not. Of the ones that did, I would like to think that they treated their slaves humanely. Some slaveowners did. They weren't all cruel and brutal. This of course does not justify slavery, but some slaveowners treated their slaves very good. I'd like to think that my ancestors were among those that did. I definitely understand Kizzy's motivation, but she still betrayed Missy Anne. That's why Missy Anne didn't help her by trying to convince her uncle not to sell Kizzy. My ancestors were white southerners, and they were not scum. Missy Anne was not scum. She liked Kizzy. She felt betrayed by her. Of course not. I personally have nothing to apologize for. Let's keep this focused on Kizzy and Missy Anne. Missy Anne truly liked Kizzy. Kizzy said that Missy Anne gave her a doll once when Kizzy was sick. Anyone in Missy Anne's place would be mad at Kizzy for writing the travel pass for Noah. Kizzy would not have the ability to read and write without Missy Anne. Missy Anne gave her this skill, and Kizzy used it against her. I'm just saying that Missy Anne had a right to be mad at Kizzy. Kizzy betrayed their friendship. Now Uncle William knew that Missy Anne taught Kizzy to read. His relationship with his niece would never be the same either. You could tell by the look on his face that he was disappointed in Missy Anne. Kizzy was going to be a slave her whole life anyway. Being with Missy Anne would have been her best chance for the best life possible. She probably would have never been raped. She might could have chosen her mate and still had Chicken George. View all replies >