Mandingo609's Replies

It couldn't be as stigmatized as sex with children is accepted in the white community. Here we have white judges and prosecutors giving white men and women probation for having sex with children between the ages of 8-15 and there's never any outrage from the whites. Instead, they like to ask black folks about their issues instead of focusing on their own issues. What's the difference? They all look alike to me. I'll ask again, you stupid F,@&k. Why would you expect it to be used in a black film if it's allegedly Italian and Spanish? I lived in the suburbs. Yes, I Lived in one for years. Is it normal for white guys to constantly view child porn? Is white women having sex witb her elementary/middle/high school students considered normal behavior? Why do white Catholic priests prefer young boys instead of girls? Why do white judges and prosecutors considers sex with children a misdemeanor? Does everyone in the suburbs smoke meth, do heroine and prescription pills? That would be a legit answer if you're legally blind. He has a very recognizable face. They showed his face before he became a walker. You might want to think about getting glasses.