Stringey's Replies

Just going to say getting close with the scientist stuff and escape but you are still off. I have heard others seem to say its not the person at all but a entirely different entity in the bodies. In other words Ellie's consciousness would have moved on or blinked out depending on what you believe with a demon inhabiting the body. I do not think that and also that's not terrifying like little Ellie coming back aware but now totally changed and demented. Along with possessing dark clairvoyant powers and strength. Its her brain and awareness but she has gone completely sour and evil. I honestly think they should have gone with it being too late for Connie by the time they get her out. Would have been much darker but I guess like people said would have left the parents in a horrible spot. I wish she had died but I admit I see why they wrote it differently. You can imagine though all that went through Susan's head when she made Henry confess to his brother. She knew not only was Richard dead because of him but that it was all true about him trying to kill Connie like mark said. How close it came to her actually dying. I still think if not Connie dying though they could have thrown in some tidbits to make this movie even more disturbing. That's a good theory. Maybe she was watching on the hospital tv one of those haunting shows and it was flora and miles story. The children now adults giving the details of their story with reenactment. The way the children looked in the movie and kates fantasy could be the same as the reenactment children in the program. I think the cobain thing was included because that was a prominent memory in her life since it was around the time she was going insane. Seeing and hearing the death of cobain on tv There is a extra scene in the book. It does not show a funeral but shows Susan at Henry's gravesite. Mark comes to visit and goes and sees Susan at his grave. The tombstone reads "without darkness there can be no light" With the family thing I also wondered about slight plot changes and rewrites. With the title The Good Son(Henry was the only son here) I wondered if originally mark could have been a foster child who recently loss his mom who was his only family. Basically the movie would play out almost the same and honestly might have made it even better. Mark being a grief stricken boy without even a father would make him being the scape goat to blame even easier. At the end of everything they all realize what a good boy he is and their blood son was the bad one. The assumption is mark would be adopted and Susan would have the son Henry could never have been. Hey what if his sister Connie was a bad seed as well and the parents and not discovered yet? Then again I doubt this idea and here is why. I get the impression Henry had been acting mean to her for a long time. I think if she had the evil streak she would have taken care of him the first time he disrespected her.πŸ˜†πŸ˜† The character was definitely meant to be classy modern lady. Also the character was meant to be the best kind of mom if there was such a thing. She was always there to talk but she wasn't smothering and evidently let henry run around town all day except coming home for lunch. With any other kid I would say lucky but that was one kid that needed looking into more often. It was easy for him to keep his dark hobbies a secret. Hey don't forget about the small animal skulls. Keep in mind this was the early nineties way before you could find those on eBay or online stores. We can assume he collected road kill and or they are from animals he killed. Shooting that dog in the movie was not his first rodeo. As far as the mom never seeing the stuff I agree far fetched that she never went in there but she probably thought it was harmless. I read the novelization of this. Basically he never asked her to not go in but she was letting him have a place that was his. Huh? Yes I believe he killed his brother for a purpose(does not want baby bro around to take away any attention given to him though clearly mom loved all the same he was just a bad seed) however I believed he felt joy doing so. He would grow up to kill for purposeful reasons however I think he would be a thrill killer too. Normal people would take a weekend to the woods for adventure thrill but Henry would get his thrill from finding someone to kill and torture in those woods. This kid does not care about murdering people do you think he will even give one ounce of thought to a f bomb?? I do think as evidenced by this movie that psychopaths can't feel empathy but feel hate and jealousy. Henry had no real reason to be jealous I believe his mom did not favor the brother he drowned. He was jealous because he wanted all the attention. Not sure if the ducky was originally so important but he hated the idea of Richard having it or his mom after he drowned him. I believe that's partly why he took it I think also as a trophy or keepsake of the kill. Also if you read the book there is a interesting conversation between the mom and the psychiatrist that implied being born without a conscience. It should have been put in the movie. 😝😝😝 I love this episode. I absolutely love the end when he is laughing and bending at the waist. I love most movies with creepy dummies and dolls. I find the tale of what happened to ellie according to the sequel much more interesting however according to a tweet from Stephen king it's not very interesting. Something about her getting adopted by a good family(grandparents must not have lasted long) but that she still has dreams and thinks about things connected to the Pet Semetary. King should have wrote a book about adult Ellie like he did with Danny from The Shining in Doctor Sleep. LMAO I went to San Jose stateπŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ The movie did have a ending. The scene where they all left the house was all in Kate's head. You could look at it in two ways. Maybe Kate was going insane and there were never any ghosts. The movie takes place in 94 because the whole thing is a flash back. The red haired woman who was supposed to be her mom was really her. The reason she screams at the end is because when she looks at her mother's face she recognized it as her own. Or perhaps she was not insane at first and the house did have ghosts. Maybe everyone in the house just denied it. Maybe when she left the ghosts followed her home and nobody believed her. So whether or not it was all in her head or the ghosts were real the result of what happened to her is the same. She gets locked up in a mental hospital. She gets put on drugs that destroy her personality and make her seem out of it. Honestly I liked this movie better because of the insanity at the end. Surprised actually the females would not go for the idea of a powerful female dark sider. We have not seen that in movies would be interesting. I likey this ideaπŸ˜€. It's interesting but many would find it too dark and depressing. The second movie has her succumbing to the dark side and I am picturing the very last scene as a flash forward with her on a throne 20 years later ordering the death of someone.😨😨