Renovatio's Replies

I jusy hope they maintain the high standard of eye candy... some real babes in the series... Well... It's certainly better than any comic-book movie ever made (yes, including Nolan's)... It really shows how far big mainstream moviemaking has fallen... Also, Gladiator is better than Braveheart... so only intelligent people warrent empathy? wow... highly overrated childrens show... like a discount 80s family alien movie... I liked the first episode or two... however, people were talking about it as if it was some kind of masterpiece... It's not... It quickly devolves into a kid's adventure movie, becoming increasingly less eerie or creepy as more and more is explained... I suppose it's partly the TV format which leads to the constant need to explain and convey information... It's still miles ahead of most TV, but it doesn't measure up to most decent horror movies... this isnt camus... just some arty type trying to make a horror movie while pretending to be above it all... just a random naked guy, like in every suburb.. yeah, was and still is, just an ok movie... the pool scene was and still is, pretty sily It's beautifully shot as well... Yeah, pretty much as it is in the book as well... I think DiCaprio's performance really did add a layer of doubt and ambiguity to a lot of viewers... So good i agree He's just a means to an end... Supports the idea that she's just a psycho droid, i.e. not human... I think Hugh didn't mention the leg on purpose... he secretly wanted the martian to survive... he even justifies it during that scene before they discover it's on his leg... he says something like it is just trying to do what all life does, to survive, etc... Hugh is a misanthrope, feels betrayed by his lot in life not being able to walk and is too detached from humanity/pseudo-objective not to recognise that he has a stake to be on the human/earthling side of this conflict. Even in the massage/physio-therapy scene there is a double meaning when he talks about being able to fix this, i.e. cure his legs instead of the more literal meaning of what they were discussing. His hope was to use martian life to make himself whole again. I think later in the movie after he realises how advanced the martian life is, he basically gives up on humanity. He didn't seem to have anyone back on earth that he cared for (unlike Sho) or a sense of loyalty (unlike Rory) or duty (unlike Miranda), or a love of humanity (unlike Ekatrina) or a moral appreciation of avoiding suffering (unlike David). He had all of the science, but was emotionally and morally stunted. I think it's great that they avoided two cliches in this movie. The first they avoided was the "black guy dies first" cliche. The second cliche they avoided was the "black guy is magical/entirely noble/flawless/mary sue". In this movie, the black guy is a human being just like everyone else, with good points and flaws and is a full character. He is the smartest character, but does, arguably, the worst thing. It's interesting and nuanced. I like it. the irony is that it seems Prometheus made more money than Covenant will... perhaps he shiuldn't have acquiesced... Yeah, I want to see them let Scott go with it and see what he can do Prometheus style to explore those themes... They keep trying to get him to do "fan service"... As I understand it, his pitch to the studios before making Prometheus was that he could expand the universe of Alien and get several movies made as a result that would be marketable... I think the studios took seriously the fan-boy criticism of not seeing enough of the Alien type from the first movie in Prometheus, so we got an in-betweener movie, thematically... I still think he can explore those Promethean themes while having killed off Shaw... Selling movies in China The bigger summer movies are made to be sold in China and the studios that make and market these movies have come to understand that they can "market" movies that are rely on spectacle, big brands, CGI and they do not want to take the risk of trying to market a drama, a romance or even a sci-fi movie with complex themes to a market that doesn't have the film culture that say the American or French markets do... Self Censorship The movies really have to be dumbed down and sanitised to get through the Chinese censors as well... The recent Alien movie had several death scenes cut out as well as several scenes of the Alien... The reason rumoured is that movies shown in China need to be able to be viewed by a younger audience... so the pressure is on to self-censor make these movies even more family/kids friendly and infantilised... Less idiosyncratic, original or experimental... Not just China! There is a whole generation of movie goers who has never seen an adult drama, mid-budget genre movie, or original story told on the big screen... Their diet has been just over a decade of comic-book movies, CGI action movies, CGI cartoons and the odd victim narrative Oscar movie... It's not their fault, it's just what has been pumped into theatres over the past 15 years... This generation's celebrated movies are the Batman movie with Heath Ledger as joker, that's really what they think of when it comes to thinking of an interesting, or really good movie... The big corporations that make movies do not want to make a $50-80mm original story that may get an ok return on it's theatrical release and a bit of streaming money (piracy really has killed the post theatrical market)... They'd rather spend twice or three times as much and make billions in selling toys, merchandise and such as well as making a ton of money showing the movie internationally... This has been the case for over a decade now... Is it right that the only real nudity in this film is male? I like the fact that they [i]Alien Threed[/i] her (Shaw) unceremoniously so to speak... It's a signal that this is not Prometheus 2 and was a truly unexpected move that shows how horrific the idea of David is... Also, philosophically, it fits within the darker themes of Alien... This is not StarWarTrek, or some comic book film, Alien is death, darkness and in Alien creation comes only from death... Shaw's character was idealistic, a believer, or maybe even a zealot that came to her end at the hands of the nihilism of David, an android that she had fixed and spared from the scrap heap... These are all very much Alien movie themes... It works... I really loved it in Alien 3 and I love it again here...