TeddyMalone's Replies

I get your point, but if my buddy is being torn up from the inside, and bloody, and changing color, and looks like he could be contagious with something mortally awful, I'm not going to sit there and see what happens, I'm going to either run or else shoot whatever the hell is coming out of him immediately. I just know that in real life, if I was ever on another planet where everything is unknown, I'm going to be super cautious and observe before interacting a lot. Not just regarding an alien emerging from a human but in terms of touching and breathing everything. Movies aren't perfect but I always like to place myself in their world while watching. By the way I watched Prometheus last night and while I didn't understand everything completely, I did like it more than Covenant. The first guy who died in the ship, while the alien is coming out of him the dumb lady just stood there & watched it come out before she did anything and then it was too fast for her. And while it wasn't stupidity by not doing nothing, it was still complete idiocy when the other bitch went psycho and locked the first one in the medical room. Also in the field they just kinda watched while that guy was torn up by another alien from the inside. Later, I forget who it was but he knew David was lying by this time when David led him to the eggs in the cavern and the guy just stood there watching while it hatched and got him. And like I said, he knew by this point that David was not being truthful and probably had bad intentions. Also, Walter knew what was going on with David and instead of taking him out without letting him know he was onto him, he used the classic movie quote of something like, "I can't let you do that," before getting into a fight. And the final four left back on the main ship didn't think to examine to see if the android with them was David or Walter at the end? No one saw the winner of their fight, not even the audience. Why is it so hard for morons in these movies to check their ships for aliens before they take a shower and leave a planet at the end? Maybe not all were "idle" deaths but most of them seemed incredibly stupid. And yes, like about every other action movie the jerky camera was awful and I couldn't tell what was going on. I know, it's just a movie. But it was annoying. I actually haven't seen Prometheus yet but plan to soon.