MovieChat Forums > mancella

mancella (3)



I agree with you completely. Why make it so obvious with the cheesy video that early on? I was at least hoping that the ending would fit seamlessly into the start of the first Cloverfield, but, it just seems they gave themselves a blanket answer that covers all scenarios... a doorway was opened between universes that can make any crazy stuff cross over from any dimension and to/from any time. So, for all we know, the 10 Cloverfield Lane Earth was a third or fourth variation of the Earth alt realities that's also being invaded by some random creatures that came through the same door they opened in space-time. P.S. It was only a small part, but one thing that I felt should have been cut from the movie for me was the dopey arm scene. Though it was amusing for a second, it was completely unbelievable and cheapened the seriousness of the overall story. I totally agree that the lack of explanation with Kevin's story line was a big letdown. It feels way too reminiscent of the Lost ending (not a good thing). The main character was resurrected from death multiple times during the series and there's no need to define how or for what purpose? At least tie all of that together by having him save the world from the great flood, implying God had a purpose for him. Instead, the only end purpose revealed for Kevin's resurrections was....God needed him alive so that he could sulk over Nora for 10+ years and scavenge Australia so that he can find her and pretend he has amnesia? Other than that, I was satisfied with the explanation Nora provided for the departures. Though, how awesome would it have been if they actually stretched it a few more episodes and actually let us witness her time spent in the alternate world?!? I feel they missed out on some great television there... kill the sex cruise episode and give me the Nora alternate universe instead! If Nora's story was the truth, I guess it means Laurie's unborn baby in the womb just appeared in the alternate dimension by itself and died? Pretty crappy if so. View all replies >