bpstevens87's Replies

I think the point of those little inconsistencies is to put you in the shoes of the characters. They do a great job of walking the tightrope of is Will full of shit? Its very realistic in the sense that you are questioning everything about each other and a small detail can rattle our conscious and bring on fear of mistrust. Didnt bother me. The stuff at the beginning when he meets the white family and friends, I assume Jordan Peele was drawing on personal experiences. Those comments most likely werent made out of thin air. Some whites dont even realize some of the stuff they say would be considered a racist comment. Now if you felt like the movie was anti white or racist against white people, then Im guessing it hit a little too close to home and maybe you are racist and you hate the idea of someone calling you out on it. Yeahhh. Had to stay overtime at work and completely missed the screening :/ Her character's story was told. There was nothing else to add by bringing her back. Wow wasnt aware he wasnt involved. Makes sense the guy is busy. Hope itll be good Yeah I knew they got together through this movie but had no idea about her father. I definitely think it could've been a mix of the two. That was sudden raw emotion that came out considering the scene imo. Thanks for the help! But Luke knew what he was doing. He was helping his son while simultaneously instigating with Kofi. Any man in another man's house isnt going to go down nicely.