puremind's Replies

The core audience is bisexual men. Actually by the end it is a throuple. So even more Woke than you could have thought. Also, the umpire was queer. Like not the most realistic. It's not even so much about the looks, although it is true that physicists don't put an emphasis on looking pretty, it's more about the personality that doesn't match a physicist personality at all. I don't have an issue with the female representation amongst top physicists, but I have an issue with the fact that those particular women don't have the personality of a physicists. More like journalist type of personality and looks. It is taking away from the believability of the story. The psychology of the characters or even their looks don't match with their occupation. Yes, it is humor by accumulation and culmination! I loved it so much! haha, am i really the only one who laughed out loud from the fussy Japanese attitude escalating into keeping that rotten pheasant and killing the gardener over a simple formula. Japan and its codified rules. The absurdity was brought so stealthily that when everything escalates it just becomes so much you can only laugh. I never said it was an issue. Actually it was mentioned that everyone knows her dad was a coward, and they got the sword for almost nothing from a merchant. And you can see how Toranaga himself is laughing as he realizes the preposterousness of it all. Of course he understands the intention, but it is very funny because of what preceded about the feasant, and how he could not be bothered arguing about it, since it was so confusing. Him accepting the sword with a wry smile meant that he is starting to understand that conventions are not as important at the intention and the heart. The fact that the chaining of cultural misunderstandings with catastrophic consequences was hilarious doesn't take away from the underlying meaning of respect being built between the two! The humor in that episode was so macabre, I have never laughed so much in my entire life. The series of preposterous events that happen as a result of cultural differences all stringed together and escalating into John giving his worthless swords to Toranaga after saving his life to cap it all off -it was a masterpiece of comical savagery! It was intended to be comical. I have never laughed so much in my life. Entire episode 5 was so comical, like when he gifts the worthless swords to Toranaga just after saving his life and he is compelled to accept. The succession of completely random and preposterous events stringed together was a masterpiece of comedy. I am glad you also enjoyed it! It is a show designed to make your empathize with a sociopath because you can see their inner struggle and desire to do good. Dissociative personality disorder is a survival mechanism. Sociopaths are victims of their parents when they refused to give them the love, and blackmail them emotionally, they end up developing a love hate relationship with their parent and every further relationship in their life. Nadia is the worst poison in the show, it is always people that doubt his goodness that make him go back to his old patterns. Whenever everything is almost perfect, one or more women screw things up. Unfortunately socipaths never recover from their dissociation. The hurt child is always the weaker personality, they don't stand a fighting chance. And it is sad for them. They are trapped inside without the ability to control their life. They try to convince the mastermind that they can achieve their goal the right way, but at the first hurdle they lose their power to do good and have to agree with the mastermind to let them take control since their method is better and the world around them Is out to hinder, mock or betray them. I have proven to you that they carefully avoiding the lie. Regarding the scientists, the quasi totality disagree with the pharma lobbies. Big shock! I am the king of sourced scientific evidence, and you are the king of useless nitpicking forcing others to argue useless points that don't matter and do your own work for you, while also refusing to read or watch anything that is too long. With an attitude like yours anyone can convince himself of any lie. Previously I thought you were just being naive and was willing to help you. Now I think you are doing this on purpose or by narcissism and insecurity, projecting your own flaws onto others. I am going to ignore your messages. You clearly have no gratefulness at all. You wasted 8 hours of my time for your stupid ego. Wrong I gave you the links where the issues were analyzed above, including conflicts of interest. Pubpeer is the most trusted study scrutiny website on the net. Every scientific in the medical community participates in it and responds to claims. If you want more details on the issues, please refer to Pubpeer. https://pubpeer.com/publications/8C61778D77BEA27A33A0FE8CE03BBE But it doesn't matter because you were only able to find 2 studies that don't weigh enough in the overall consensus since Ivermectin is the most studied molecule (I wonder why people keep studying useless molecules, considering the cost, despite WHO and FDA; I really wonder *facepalm*). Even if we consider them, it doesn't change the consensus. Sorry but I won't spend any more time ramming into open doors. This does not add anything because the body of work is overwhelming and the consensus is clear, the quasi-totalitry of scientists who have studied Ivermectin disagree with WHO and so do doctors who have used it for treatment. I myself have used it when I had reinfections, and the effects happened immediately I am really angry at people like you who caused MY suffering because of stupid WHO I wasted 10,000 EUR in useless tests and medical visits after my long Covid started. I had to import Ivermectin from India just so I could feel better. Believe what you want to believe, your government and institutions are wonderful and they didn't harm anyone, there was no corruption at any level or conflicts of interest, all the advice we got was motivated not by greed but by kindness. By now I just think you are trolling me. You know I am right and just do this to spite me. It is a waste of time. No, I only talked about 2021 recommendation from WHO and said that 200 studies later they never changed their recommendation. I never mentioned 2021 related to your links. Which studies that you mentioned are omitted on http://c19ivm.org/ You have only given me studies with conflicts of interest, participant fraud, methodological or data issues so far. Or did you mean to post other studies? All I want to know from you is which studies are not included in the scientific consensus on the meta source page. As I said, there are always bad actors and retracted studies due to conflicts of interest, this is why you need to consider many studies and take the mean tendency. Now that there are 245 studies, 190+ peer reviewed, it is the largest scientific basis for any molecule regarding Covid treatment. Can I ask you a personal question? # Do you consider yourself empathetic? How old are you? Have you had personal experience with sociopaths? Do you know that sociopaths represent 10% of the general population (and likely much more in politics) Do you know that sociopathy combines narcissism, callousness, Machiavellianism and empathy deficit according to the diagnosis criteria. Based on this, why are you so hesitant to accept the notion that people are able to fool you despite the appearance of virtue and pretending to have your well-being at heart? Why is it so shocking to you that you can't accept it even when presented with the scientific evidence? I don't get it. I return the question to you? Why do you think WHO and FDA were so cagey and came under scrutiny for their statements related to Ivermectin? You can clearly see that they tried to interfere with doctors prescribing Ivermectin even though they had no legal basis to do so! This is a clear case of abuse of power that harmed the health of people because they delivered advice and pressured doctors to ignore the available science. Where did I say that they lied? They obviously used a very carefully crafted language so that they don't have to lie (to avoid lawsuits and liability further down the line) while still not recommended it. They know full well that it works. Even FDA have had to rectify that they never gave medical advice not to use Ivermectin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVgec9M0DfI They were being accused of overstepping their role beyond their prerogative. Because 2 years later the medicines are already approved and no one cares anymore. They got what they wanted. Also now with X, other media platforms are being increasingly scrutinized and held accountable for censure. For example 1 year ago, the video that talked about Pfizer's guided evolution where a journalist got a gay Pfizer director to talk about it during a romantic date, was removed on Google, including his Linkedin credentials and pictures of the Pfizer intranet pricing his employment at Pfizer. The same information could still be found on Duckduckgo. I have to try finding it on Google again now that the media attention has gone down! On Youtube they prevent it, since it presents information that contradicts the pharmaceutical lobbies. From their policy, it is written black on white: "We do not allow content that promotes information that contradicts health authority guidance on treatments for specific health conditions, including promotion of specific harmful substances or practices that have not been approved by local health authorities or the World Health Organization as safe or effective, or that have been confirmed to cause severe harm." I know it for a fact because I know medical lecturers and medical channels who review scientific literature who had their videos removed or demonetized, so much so that they had to clone their entire channel on Odissee! I have tried so many times to post comments referencing sources, then my comments are hidden from other accounts, I am the only one who can see them. I asked friends to post the same in case I am somehow flagged, and they couldn't get them through either.