MovieChat Forums > jp4001

jp4001 (4)



Done the research, but I don't accept the Catholic Church as an acknowledged 'expert' in some matters regarding reality. Spirituality, yes, but they have more than a slight tendency towards 'confirmation bias' when it comes to things like this, and they also cannot provide any proof of possession. 'An actual incident' of a kid who was mentally disturbed (and/or faking because of all the attention). There is still absolutely no evidence of any kind that 'demons' or 'possession' is a real thing, but a lot of people desperately want to believe it. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the 1974 original). Saw it at a midnight movie fest in 1979. Almost made up my mind to walk out when it got really crazy near the end (I was 16 at the time). Stayed through the end. Later, after thinking about the feelings of disgust and horror that the film inspired, I realized that this was exactly what effective horror film-making is supposed to be about. It would have been a terrible movie if it had been billed as a Mel Brooks comedy, but this was definitely a horror film, and one that delivered on the horror. It was the first REALLY effective horror film I ever saw. It struck me that the film accurately portrays the madness and shock that the main character would have been feeling in her situation, and depicted it much better than typical 'slasher' horror flicks of the '70s & '80s. Went back and saw it again a few weeks later, and appreciated it for the horror masterpiece it is. In addition to Kubrick and Prachya Pinkaew movies, Tarantino likes to use this shot. He uses it in 'Pulp Fiction' as well as 'Kill Bill' and 'Death Proof'. Also try Brian DePalma movies, like 'Snake Eyes' and 'Blow Out'. View all replies >