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phoebemunster (14)



Phoebe was the name for Lily in the the original color pilot of The Munsters. She was played by Joan Marshall, before Yvonne De Carlo entered the cast. I know, especially since they don't even show the yard. I think "Sam in the Moon" might be the only episode where they show the windows that actually would be facing the front yard. Like others have said, I leave it at 4:3 too. It's pretty much the opposite of the old days, when people had 4:3 TVs and most widescreen movies were presented with the edges chopped off. Seasons three and four of Bewitched are now on Roku in HD in 16:9, but they appear to be brand new scans from the 35mm. They show more on the left and right, but cut off image from the the top and bottom. I think it's in "Mrs. Stephens, Where Are You?" in season five, where Serena tells Phyllis that she's from Sam's father's side. I think later in that episode, Serena jokes she's also from Babylon. I was really excited when I saw these two episodes were going to be on DVD, since I had never seen them in syndication. When I finally saw the Christmas one, I too thought it was odd that the opening teaser is the exact same footage as the original episode. It was convenient Sam was already wearing that large coat where she conceivably could be pregnant! They also did this with a New Year's Eve 1964 repeat of the pilot. They added a very brief scene of Sam and Darrin toasting to the New Year, then recalling the events of the pilot. I think they got this idea from I Love Lucy, which had a lot of reruns during the original CBS run where they filmed new introductory scenes. In "The Lucy Book" by Geoffrey Fidelman, they list a lot of reruns like this that were peppered throughout season 2-5. You probably already have it, but it's a really cool book that lists every single TV appearance by Lucy (for better or worse). Glad to see people are still posting here! I always enjoy Darrin in "Take Two Aspirin and Half a Pint of Porpoise Milk," where he's understandably very concerned about a pregnant Samantha having Square Green Spots disease and losing her powers for the first time. He goes out and acquires all the crazy ingredients for Sam's antidote, even breaking into a client's home and going to jail without much complaint. "Playmates" is one I usually think of as boring in my mind for some reason, but I'll have to give it another shot based on your recommendation. It's one I've skipped a lot, so I probably haven't seen it in a long time. I just looked at the DVD version and it seems like Endora's flying suit in that episode is the same as usual. I suspect that when they made this list, they were viewing a version of that episode that had incorrect color timing. Some of the masters distributed by Sony/Columbia in the 90s and earlier had issues like this. I think Sony rescanned most of the color episodes in the 2000s for the DVDs (or maybe for when the show came to TV Land in 2003?), but even then, there are a few episodes where they used old masters that have incorrect color levels ("Cousin Serena Strikes Again Part 1" in season five is a notable example). I wonder if Agnes Moorehead's real life Christmas parties inspired them to make Endora having a Halloween party. Mikwalen, I do like your idea of the party being a "taking back" of a negative situation. Uncle Arthur mentions that last year Hagatha threw the party, so maybe it also rotates amongst the family members? Just saw recently that she passed away in March of this year. I had been wondering whatever happened to her recently. Gbennett, she is my fave Betty too. She's the only one who seemed to be written with or acted with much depth, and she is funny. I wish she had continued past season five. "Mr. Stephens, teddy bears don't have heart beats" View all replies >