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Neemy's Replies

[quote]For instance, Sally could have walked into the office, very frustrated and said, "It's been almost a WEEK since I advertised for a husband. Wasn't anyone watching the show that night?" Then, an avalanche of mail comes in!!![/quote] She could have ridden that avalanche like Laura did with walnuts in "It May Look Like a Walnut"! :) I knew I was forgetting some! That episode (Never Bathe) was full of innuendo. I didn't know Rob Reiner meant that line about "all the great places" to be about sex! He also said the intent of her being offscreen was to make the audience picture Laura naked. Rob was going to *gasp* see his nude wife in the tub by breaking down the door. Even more obvious, once he gets the door opened, he laughs and tells the others in the room something like, "You've got to see this!", then quickly catches himself. And the episodes with Laura wearing that black nightgown Rob bought her in Chicago. In "Don't Trip Over that Mountain", looks like Laura was expecting a little "something" when he got home, and he was adamant she change into something else (less sexy). In "Like a Sister", Rob and Laura start "necking" on the couch, and the doorbell rings. Rob says something like "whoever it is, they'd be really embarrassed if they knew what they were interrupting!". In, "The Brave and the Backache", Millie's line about them being "ALONE alone" is pretty obvious. And the pilot episode ends with Laura walking off camera, suggestively removing her necklace. Rob leers at her, saying, "Yeahhhhhh!". Sneaky, sneaky! I think I may have gone slightly off-topic from the "separate beds" subject, lol. I always thought The DVD Show was poking fun at this in "Pink Pills and Purple Parents". At the dinner table, Laura, high on anxiety pills, says she felt a little dizzy. The ensueing conversation around the table purposely avoids the word "pregnant". Rob's mother says, "Dizzy? Laura, you're not...", Rob cuts her off with, "Oh, we're not, Mom.", looks at Laura and asks, "Honey, you're not..." to which Laura replies, "No, I'm not!", then Rob turns back to his parents and says, "She's not.". The kicker was when Rob's father naively asks, "Not what?" and Rob's mother looks at him in disbelief and snaps, "Oh, Sam, grow up!". Great stuff. Ha, I'm replying to a 5 year old comment! Other instances where it is implied they will share a bed was on the flashback episodes "Honeymoons are For the Lucky": in the "bridal suite" Rob and Laura have rented, the owner (?) tells Rob it's a "combination living room and bedroom", pulls down a (single) murphy bed hidden behind some curtains, and says, "that's the bedroom.". In "Remember the Alimony", there's also only one bed in their hotel room in Mexico. Also, assuming their "intimate relations" take place in the same bed (how would that work, otherwise? lol), there is some funny, suggestive dialogue in "Pink Pills and Purple Parents". When Laura is meeting Rob's parents for the first time, she asks Rob's mother if she'd like to see the bedroom. His mother says a quick, firm, "NO.". Laura looks at Rob uncomfortably, and his mother stammers, "P-p-p-perhaps later.". Don't forget Chandler hugging his Lionel Richie album while singing Endless Love with Phoebe! This post was deleted because Joey's tailor took advantage of me! There was definite... cupping. This post was also deleted because it was addressed to MISS Chanandeler Bong. It's Clint! CLINT!