McQualude's Replies

So you want to send blacks back to Africa? It's too late for that. Wasn't that Thomas Jefferson's plan? Besides, most all black Americans have Caucasian DNA, and many Caucasians have African DNA. *Democrats* not Liberals. Liberalism is an ideology of inclusiveness and individuality on which America was founded. Capitalism, individual rights, and democracy are products of liberalism. American Fascists used/use liberal as a slur. Democrats have no interest in mental health, they want to take away guns because disarmed societies lose freedom of speech next. An 8-year-old is a clump of cells, so are you. An 8-year-old is a human, so is a fetus, the jury is out on you (j/k). The constant riots, unavailability of toilet paper and many basic supplies, shitty economy, the coup attempts, the constant ignorant drivel coming from his lips. So why is hating Jews worse than hating Palestinians? It's a human life, if you know anything about biology. Regardless, don't pretend to care about children as a political card. DeSantis would be a better candidate, that's why the media spent months lying about him. Florida has prospered while he's been gov. And he's not a diaper wearing loon like Trump. Almost 1/4 of all deaths in America, every day, are abortions. Don't play the "care about kids" card with tribal politics. It's a response to gun grabbers. Those families in jammies with guns aren't a problem. Turn off the news. There is no gun problem. America is safer today than it ever has been, safer than 20 years ago. There is no mass shooting epidemic. Any mass shooting is a tiny fraction of one percent of all the American deaths on that day but it is blown out of proportion by the news because mass shootings are big, big money. Also the media inflates the number of mass shootings by many times the count by the FBI. They pretty much include any shooting involving 2 or more people, that isn't a mass shooting. If you want to end the "epidemic" turn off the news. Wasn't she the one who said she didn't want to work for white men ever again? Frederick Loren in House on Haunted Hill runner-up: Roderick Usher in Fall of the House of Usher. 2nd runner-up: Dr. Erasmus Craven in The Raven You got me curious so I looked up the demographics and according to what I found; most viewers and most filmmakers are still white. But I agree filmmakers are pandering to different audiences today. RT isn't reliable because "critics" say what they think those above them, or those who control the media want to hear; or what they are told to say. Because the 'horror' was a young ambitious woman being forced to care for a child she doesn't want. It's feminist claptrap. I agree. The first two deaths are off screen. Then the movie focuses on the 'horror' of an unwanted child being pushed into the life of a young ambitious woman, her total failure as an aunt, mother, and human being. TBH I wasn't giving it my full attention. They might have mentioned it but there didn't seem to be any racism or indication the black guy didn't belong. There is one other possibility that I've entertained, that UFOs are not from our reality. Perhaps they are "shadows" from an alternate Earth. They might not even know we can see them or perhaps they are experiments in interdimensional communication. This is way out there but many physicists believe that alternate realities are possible. I was part of the UFO craze of the 70s. I had a sighting, wrote letters to J. Allen Hynek and other UFO researchers. I was part of a group of true believers. And then it all went away and mostly stayed away until recent years. What changed was the stress levels. Back then there was a lot of political strife over Vietnam, fear about the Cold War and nuclear war, anxiety over the economy. Then things chilled for a few decades. Once again there is a lot of political strife and fear of another European war, anxiety about possible coup attempts by Trumpers, hysteria about gender. People are stressed out and looking for an escape. (note, this isn't meant to be political, I'm simply describing how some people "feel" about current events that leads to stress) On an individual level, people see things and some of them can't be explained. I saw something that can't be explained, my dad saw it too. Pilots and astronauts see things. There are phenomena that we haven't explained but I stopped believing in aliens a long time ago. The chances of life are incredibly remote, there were billions of random events that led to mammals on this planet, a million more that led to tool use. Many experts say that UFO can't be explained but that isn't true, there is one thing that can move and behave like a UFO (or UAP) without violating physics ... light. Holograms combined with an electric field could do everything that UFOs do including show up on radar, or not show up. It's currently beyond known civilian science but that doesn't mean it's impossible. I didn't mind since it isn't intended to be historically accurate and there is nothing wrong with making movie for all Americans, black, white, brown, yellow, red. That said, they put quite a bit of effort into getting a lot of details right.