Blondie7000's Replies

I don’t blame you for giving up halfway through. I’m surprised I read the whole thing lol Ugh that would have been horrible. I read the book a few years ago and hated it. I was shocked at how different it was than the movie. I didn’t like it either and couldn’t wait for it to be over. I feel sorry for that poor kid. Yes I thought she was miscast as well. The Barbara Hershey version is the only good one in my opinion. That’s not true and you know it. He mocks women and is starved for attention. It’s pathetic. That’s a horrible thing to say about her looks. Ellen and Darlene lol He had a son with Anna Faris not a daughter. If you’re gonna insult someone at least get your facts straight. There’s nothing wrong with what he said about his new baby with Katherine. You people are just whacked and look for any little thing to bitch about. They shouldn’t need a $250,000 GFM. It’s very sad that she died but the public isn’t obligated to pay for her husband’s lost income, baseball games or college for the kids. Yep Lowlifes? Give me a break. He murdered someone and should be charged with something. Lol I was shocked he was only in his 40’s. He looks like he’s in his fifties. Even Grace Kelly looks older than 25. Why is the carpet all wet Todd?? I don’t know Margo! Yes he’s just awful. I feel bad for Catherine Zeta Jones having to do romantic scenes with him. Such shocking news. I didn’t believe it at first :( Yep I agree. I loved every scene he was in. I read the book and hated it because it was so unrealistic. I couldn’t wait until the book was done and didn’t understand the high praise for it. I’m on episode 3 and fell asleep about 50 times so far. I don’t know if I’ll finish the rest.