catsidhe's Replies

I liked The Babysitter. Haven't seen Security. Mangled body parts to remember me by. :D Try sea buckthorn. "It's turkey time. Gobble gobble..." Yeah, it's pretty good. Great atmosphere. And then 2 movies later, he swims. Yeah 🙁 Fan fiction. Among the absolute worst of it too. I didn't like Shape of Water either. I usually like del Toro films... Plenty Dany stans to be found on Twitter and Tumblr. I must have missed he said that to Jon. He could have said it to have Jon maybe convince her to eat... 😅 At a guess, I'd say denial. If he wasn't trying to poison her why was it mentioned to him by the kitchen maid that "she's not eating"? Always saw this coming. Well Dany hasn't seen anything good by the dead coming back to life. I stand by it not working unless they're THAT stupid. Not going to work since they watched Missandei's head get lopped off. Greyworm and Dany would have to be unaware Missandei's dead for that to work. Yay Zombi 2 gets a mention! Same, actually. I would love to be pleasantly surprised at a faithful rendition. Usually by accident. Once because I wasn't aware he made the film. And once because everyone was carrying on about it. I used ro almost have to watch every film that came out at one point (a sort of "job hazard" 😅)