Nicolai's Replies

if this show has boobs in it i am going to be so angry! I'm pretty sure half of the time when you visit a prostitute this happens. It's a coinflip basicly or gave her a glass of water atleast, that girl looked parched Alright dude, gl, try one of those cool moves you have seen in a movie, it will probably work Yeah they kill like 100-200 cops? (I just watched it and can't remember the first ninety minutes) 100 completely innocent random people? and about 50 soldiers? Don't know if that is a good or bad thing.. One the worst movies I have ever seen, its like transformers, but without the transformers and the entire story made up by Micheal Bay. It is one of those movies that is bad it becomes funny so if you feel like watching one of those.. lol i watched mother but had to skip the movie at some point, it was just too much chaos People who cant read 5-10 words and watch a screen at the same time are making me laugh, this thread is hilarious Yes but I invented language 150,000 years ago so I am the most original yeah np, I agree it was a pretty unique movie, curious to see what Aster his next one will be There is another post with the same title yes, but as it is on page2 of the comments I did not see it. Does this post make me look smart? ehh..? I never said I didnt like it, was a very strange movie. It lacked some story though, had mainly lots of visuals. I dont think it was a thriller. Hope this director goes back to adding a little more story and character building to his movies. Midsommar almost felt like a Nicolas Winding Refn movie, which is not a bad thing but imo he can do better. he did drugs Yeah, good analysis, the movie was creepy but a bit short, left many things unexplained or not finished..? haha nahh, a good movie will always be a good movie. Dont worry. I didnt even dislike endgame, just thought it couldve been way better. Expected it even after infinity war. Ah if you liked primer you might also like Timecrimes (Los cronocrimenes) Me too, he makes some weird brutal unpredictable movies but i like it. Yeah, I was thinking what happens if you make really loud noice, or very high pitched sound, would they die or go deaf? Anyways watching it now, maybe they do, these creatures seem pretty scary but come on, how about just a tank what would they do vs 1 tank? lol, or body armor.