MovieChat Forums > MizhuB

MizhuB (165)


OT still reading I'll just leave this here... Bates Motel...Question OT: Eye of the Cat RIP Barbara Harris View all posts >


I agree 100%. That's why I have not been to NYC in years, even though I live very close. I've been watching her for well over a year. I agree. I have her page bookmarked. in that interview, she looks AND sounds like she already had a stroke. i had one a year ago. she speaks like me. also the confusion. the bruise? age spots. I remember the at time reading that Streep only took the role as a 'thank you' to Benton for casting her in K vs K. In spite of the fact that it's my favorite movie, it is amusing and truthful: I never saw The Breakfast Club so I couldn't really relate to that one, but I did find the one for The Birds funny as well. But honestly, does Norman stammer OTHER than those times above? I honestly can't recall right now. Maybe a bit more under questioning from Arbogast. ======== Perhaps we could count when Norman climbs the stairs to tell Mother he's going to put her in the fruit cellar. He starts with something like, 'Well Mother...I'm going to have to...I have to...I'm going to...' before she laughs and says, 'I am sorry boy, but you do manage to look ludicrous when you give me orders'. Maybe not actually a stammer, just searching for the right words. Thanks very much, swanstep. Although I won't read it until I've completely finished watching it, for fear of spoilers (I did inadvertently stumble upon one about season 5 while still watching season 4). Nothing is overdone here; it is lightly funny and at the moment of crisis(the car stops sinking) all Perkins does is to turn in profile to look for witnesses(a passing car?) ======== We all have our different interpretations, but I always felt that when the car momentarily stops sinking, he looks around to see if there's SOMETHING, anything he can use to get it to continue sinking. Perhaps a long, sturdy branch or something? View all replies >