JohnSteed's Replies

Thanks for the info! I also discovered in the interim that for all Roku users, the entire series is available for streaming via "The Archive" Channel. I agree with you completely on all your insights and commentary. And like you, I feel all these films, artifacts and relics serve as a window to our heritage and our history. And if we can learn from them, it can only serve to educate and enrich us, and better unite us going forward. Ahh, I understand your point better now. But I still feel a lot argue that GWTW should be banned moreso just because it represents the Old South and bigotry. But let me answer your question now, which really illustrates my point. Roots is a stark reminder and illustration of the deep South of days past and all the bigotry and abuse of slaves that went along with that. Now compare that to all the more recent clamor around the Confederate flag and statues depicting Civil War heroes. They are calling for the removal and banning of these flags and statues. Why? Because they are a stark reminder and illustration of the deep South of days past and all the bigotry and abuse of slaves that went along with that. Got it? Well one thing I certainly agree with you on, is that this entire topic is incredibly silly. But your argument that since Roots shows more bigotry/abuse means it's less racist, just doesn't compute. That would make it even more racist. Maybe not expicitly stated as such, but that was the contrast you used to express your opinion. That's an interesting, yet odd, perspective. So, because as you put it, Roots showed more hate, bigotry, violence and mistreatment of slaves then that's okay and non-racist. And since GWTW showed less, it's racist. To me, as long as they both depict the Cicil War deep South and slavery, they are both very racist by those defining them by these basic terms. And of course I'm being entirely cynical about this topic as I think the whole argument is entirely ridiculous. Makes no sense. Both GWTW and Roots are of the same ilk They are depictions created by Hollywood. So if GWTW is racist, Roots is racist. Period. Sara, by a country mile. An English country-side mile at that. Why? Because in S3 they dwelled on it in every episode, and everyone saw the pain and the incidents suffered repeatedly by Gordon. In S4, it essentially became non-existent until he died. Really bad continuity by the HACF writers. Thanks, but I'm of the judgement you're imposing a double standard. Racism depicted in any shape or form is reprehensible. Whether its the watered-down version of GWTW, or worse, the intense and vile version as seen in Roots. We need to remove these racist artifacts. Then by the same token, isn't the movie and miniseries "Roots" exceedingly racist also? Because it also (and much more stunningly so) depicts the old south and its all its racist ways. Much more illustratively than Gone With the Wind. I think your description was absolutely spot on. He was really a loudmouth, and somewhat of a braggart, probably as an outlet to make up for his shortcomings. Alice probably knew these things and just put up with his loudmouth ways. Deep down they really had a very strong relationship. Okay, I can accept the less racy ending you suggest also. Would have been fine with that. Agree that they have really gone over the top with Sheldon's character and its unappealing. Its also making the show really lame to march all the main characters to matrimony and take away so many possible juicy plotlines. The one you suggest with Sheldon pondering possibilities, or maybe a love triangle developing would be fantastic! Agreed, the ending to the Season 10 finale was so incredibly lame, the show should be buried right away. Definitely a watch if anything like The Cutting Edge,,,,awesome movie. You made his actually. I agree. I am not really concerned with accuracy of the facts at all. Its just a very entertaining TV show. Love the Sopranos and Curb also. If you loved the Sopranos, then definitely check out the show "Magic City"! Guy Lombardo,,,,the best. Topper Love that Bob My Little Margie Bachelor Father Life of Riley