HAL 9010's Replies

I agree. No goat reappeared after her experiment concluded that her plan would work in some shape or form. That Ray met an oblivious (new) Nyles contradicts this conclusion. He should have met no-one. So, it is a plot hole… …. unless each loop is to a parallel reality. This means Nyles finally escaped to a reality-time-line, and whatever Ray would escape to hereafter would be to another - they would never meet again. So when Nyles leaves, Ray loops into one where Nyles is just one of the others… this does not explain the missing goat, but it explains how she might not find the goat again…. it just seems missing, as in this loop is it over a few hills. Incidentally, this, too, explains the dinosaurs. If each loop is to parallel timelines, few of those still have sauropods roaming. Each loop was to different parallel realities… and in some of those, dinosaurs existed. And the final reality they escaped, too, had them as well. It means she is predictable in her actions, and he has repeatedly broken up with her before.. I believe it represented a change in the balance and the natural power structure. They sensed it — confusion, sound wars, etc — and it drew them out of their usual comfort zone and into human space. Also, we hear earlier of a saying that says seeing deers means a fortunate change in one's future, and when they had the showdown at the Hutt, we (the audience) know the daughter had found refuge for them all… so some magic was in there… “ Everyone else played their part in the industry that is his chosen profession” The client too. Eradicating any ends pointing to him? No, it is an illegal alien superhero beetle As a Wakandaen, one must assume she follows her queen’s command. In any case, he is banking on a dynamic shifting future… He demands the infinity stones in unity to restore the universe. The stones know, he doesn't. Sunset ending with a dogo is the right way…. I wholeheartedly agree. Thanx. That his dog wasn’t part of his reminiscing memory was a letdown to me. I feel his end would be better if he just went into the sunset and disappeared … I came here to ask the same question… One can speculate that his own daughter had died in the woods with no one to hear her cries…. so probably some spin on that? I did, but I had a question. Satan spawns a lot :) The antichrist is a chosen one, destined to lead the world in Satan's name on the second coming. Satan's son, like Jesus, is God's son. Daemons and deadites are lower ranked... but they are all spawns of Satan. 1: live there as her place 2: join them and become immortal 3: enjoy the view and some hot tea for a bit, and then go get police assistance. 4: Dance with ghosts to the Matilda, Matilda song. Apt observation :) I was one of the billion who saw it, so it can't be all of them. Did you take it to the chin sport? Did you? Cause not only was the tampon/ blood thing explicitly explained but it is also made abundantly clear in both explanations and in showing who and what he is.... many times throughout the story, not least near the climax... It almost sounds like you didn't see it or see it past the first 30 minutes, and that means there was no chin in sight :) Edit: I just saw someone else called you out; my bad. That would solve it, but there is a line (as I recall) where they say the good One must be kept safe and alive, not to grant the evil One the ultimate power... besides if it was a risk for the whole universe, then killing the good One would lay that risk the rest... He was wrapped in barbed wire connected to the fence that kept him connected to the earth....