woodenbird's Replies

The movie actually made fun of these comments. Here in Colombia all the functions are almost sold out until next Monday. The movie is a hit. Today the cinema was very crowded with people dressed in pink Probably the same will happen in the region's important markets: Mexico and Brazil It must be very sad to not be able to enjoy things and to live bitter all the time, nostalgic of old times You guys talk as if (men) killers focused on torturing and raping women were a Hollywood invention and not an actual thing I was going to call you a pick me but to be honest, I don't even think you a are a woman Women are more likely to be single parents, and be loaded with all the work related with raising children without the economical or practical support of the father. That's why the laws of child support protect women more. Women have been traditionally raped and harmed by men without being believed and even today that's the case. Being raped is hard to prove, and most of the times the crime goes unpunished. Statistics show that lies about rape are rare, however, impunity is the norm. Women endure all the physical consequences of child birth, and a child is way more impactfull in the life of a woman. It can even completely stop her career prospects. That's why a woman should decide if aborting or not. The thing about boy scouts is irrelevant, but women have been historically excluded from many spaces. Adult people should not have "consensual" sex with children. In general. The law forbids it regardless of the sex of the people involved. Women are actually discriminated and that's why women make up less than 30% of management positions and the share is close to it for any positions in some industries Not only women (even in the west) have the permanent risk of being raped and sexually harassed by men, women are also discriminated at work for being women, paid less, are less likely to hold positions of power, etc. Women are also in a culture of sexual objectification, where 49% of the population hate them and/or see them as objects. I don't see how they are most privileged than western men You are projecting. is White men the ones that have been the most privileged in the world. Not only women (even in the west) have the permanent risk of being raped and sexually harassed, women are also discriminated at work for being women, paid less, etc. Men commit >90% of the violent crime and 98% of the sexual crimes worldwide, in any country. Yes, women are better. Men are actually all of that in real life. Ok, we can both agree that both cases exist. Then my argument is that the "coerced" case is a lot more common than the "free" case. The topic is different. I know want to point out that what this movie portrays has happened in real life, with women being (unfairly) punished for it. I also want to mention Cyntoia Brown, a more recent case of a prostituted women defending herself against her clients (rapists). In the USA most women are coereced. These are stories about the only place in your country where it is legal: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2007/sep/07/usa.gender The women are so free, they call those places "pussy penitentiaries". The truth is prostitution is degrading, humiliating, painful and violent and that's why coercion tipically plays in this. The vast majority of women with choices would choose other thing. That may go for any work, but not all work is having undesired sex (forced by the circumstances). sex like that is often traumatic for women, and harmful both physically and mentally. Women in postitution always have a high risk of being murdered, beaten, tortured by men, even in countries where it is legal. Other risks include pregnancies, STD, genital infections, vaginal or anal tears, and so on. It's also mentally damaging for women to be used by selfish men as sex objects while having to pretend they like those men despite them literally feeling disgust for them. Survivors report having disassociated or kept themselves high all the time to mentally cope with this. (Notice how there are literally 0 women who previosly worked cleaning floors calling themselves "survivors" like there are many with prostitution. Notice how is extremely rare to be kidnaped or completely tricket to get into cleaning floors) About the other point. Not all of them have the choice of cleaning floors. For example, many women are trapped in addictions or in mental illnesses and cannot hold a job like that. Some women are irregular immigrants and won't be hired in regular jobs. Some cleaning jobs require experience or basic education or literacy. Many women will be discriminated and unable to find other jobs because they can't explain gaps in their resume. Many situations occur in prostitution and all of them point that only women who are desesperate and very vulnerable end up there. What is hard for you to understand is that millions of women in the world are literally coerced in prostitution, therefore the sex they have there is coerced and coerced sex is rape. You want to believe that all women are free to leave, but that's a male fantasy. For you. Not for most women. You are probably a man, so you can't understand. From a Survivor: “I’m still dealing with the aftermath of being in prostitution. I suffer nightmares, flashbacks and am triggered by numerous things. I find it difficult to trust people, particularly men, and still struggle massively around sex. I still dissociate, and feel like I split off from myself." There are studies, like this one, that find high prevalence of PSTD in prostituted women: http://prostitutionresearch.com/prostitution-trafficking-in-nine-countries-an-update-on-violence-and-post-traumatic-stress-disorder/ Is not ethical to pay a desesperate person do harm themselves. With ethical, I don't think it from the prostituted or mutilated person perspective, but from the buyer perspective. The buyer is taking advantage of the situation. Again, many women do not have more options. They are not really choosing freely. I believe Americans have this "freedom of choice" libertarian ideology so integrated, they are not even aware. If a person is in extreme conditions of poverty, addiction, homelessness, is in a condition of vulnerability and therefore is not really free to choose. Additionally, if the person only has one choice, then that person is also not choosing at all. To the third of women directly coerced by a pimp, you have to add the women that are not really free in choosing prostitution even though they are not being exploited by a third party. But even you you decide not to do that, by your own logic, clients are never able to differenciate the pimped women so everytime they buy sex they may be victimizing a trafficked woman. You are not understanding. We may do many other things forced by the economy or the circumstances, like cleaning floors, but that wouldn't be traumatic and extremely stressfull like undesired sex is. That's why being forced into sex has a lot of meaning for women: it is degrading, humiliating and physically and psychologically damaging. The same happens with prostitution, women exits the sex trade with a lot of pychological problems. The PSTD levels of prostituted women are the same or higher than the ones of men in the military going to war. And those risks are the same when prostitution is legalized like in Germany, Holland or New Zealand. Many survivors of prostitution have talked about that. Like this woman: https://huschkemau.de/en/2021/05/22/does-legal-make-it-safe/ Ok, many women may be in that position because of bad decisions, but it still makes consent flawed when a person is forced to have sex with many men without having realistic options of not doing that. My point is that prostitution is (most of the times, almost all of the times) not fully consensual. Even women who once decided it (many of them while underage. Some studies show that near 50% of women in prostitution started while underage), get trapped in it and cannot exit. Sure, you can pay a person to cut himself an arm and give it you, and if that person is desesperate enough they can accept so theoretically it would be a consensual transaction. Would that be ethical? This is not found only in the US. Cross country studies find the same. I'm from a country where prostitution is accepted and legal and we still find the same.