AngularTurnip's Replies

I don't think a time will ever exist when this episode isn't relevant. Possibly the best pilot ever made. Liked her in The Cake Eaters. I don't object to the character. I object to how Taylor-Joy plays the character. Many shows, arguably, were better. But it was a good show ... well, so long as AJ and Meadow were nowhere to be found. Carmela too. Crash won best picture. Doesn't mean it was a good movie. Sorry, I'm just not besotted with Taylor-Joy's mono expression. I'll have to respectfully disagree. Comparing Crusade to Awakens is a good one; neither is, for the most part, willing to offer the audience anything more than a breezy, safe ride. But, I must admit, Awakens and Crusade are okay in my book. They're pleasent enough diversions on a Sunday afternoon. I do love though the chemistry between Ford and Connery; in my estimation it makes up somewhat for the less-than-captivating story. It's a shame they didn't go with Lucas's idea of making the third Indy installment about a haunted house (even if that would have been somewhat reminiscent of Doom's Pankot Palace). True, though I would still call Live and Let Die the Temple of Doom of its franchise rather than the other way around because Temple is more cherished and singled out for being such a departure whereas Live and Let Die, unfortunately, isn't. Speak for yourself. The After Hours It made someone laugh. That's a very helpful response. Thank you. The last thing I saw her in was The Witch and I really liked her in that. The sound effects are pretty good too. All three installments of the original trilogy have been adapted into radio plays and while I've never experienced any of them I would think that media format would really do this kind of fantasy storytelling justice as the viewer gets to imagine the wild settings that go with the sounds instead of someone else doing it for them --- the latter, of course, bound by the often limited technology of their time. Surprised no one's brought up Mash.