ms.chips's Replies

Hi soggy and sister! Oh my gosh training a new puppy is no joke. I have literaly not been on this site for so long. I just finished watching "a night to remember" and "jack goes to the dentist". Classic tv is all I have to say. I wish more shows like this were on tv today. Great acting by all those involved. Love that line. I use it all the time haha. Whoops, sorry soggy. I should read the posts more carefully haha. I had forgotten about some of the shady antics from Larry. I'm laughing remembering now. Did either of you ever get into threes a crowd? I did not, but I recall watching the ropers when it was on. How many different roles did Jeffery tambor play? Without checking, I am guessing 3 or 4. Hey roomies, I will have to check out the sitcoms online site, I haven't had a chance yet. Thank sis for the name of the book. Looks pretty cool. Very pricy on amazon tho. As for dating jack...yes,yes, yes. He was such a sweetie. With the Arabella episode- I loved the look on jacks face when he basically tells her to stuff it. Genuinely a nice guy. Also when he realizes he pushed it too far when he and Larry were hazing Terry. He cares about people's feelings. I'd date him in a second. As for the girls, I never did understand why they always seemed to date "losers". I know "losers" isn't politically correct, but you know what I mean. Curious.. what did you girls think of Felipe? When I was younger I thought those episodes were hilarious. Now I don't find them funny at all. He was a bad man.. a very, very bad man. Always trying to cause trouble. Funny, I never noticed jacks receding hairline. I'm going to watch for that now. Still not sure if I'm replying in the correct spot. I apologize if I'm screwing up. Please let me know if I should be doing something different. Cheers Hi Sis, I hope I am replying in the right format. I never did post much so if I am doing it wrong please let me know. How interesting that you read something about Jacks antics. I would love to read that if you happen to recall where u read it. So, right now I am watching reruns on Deja Vu. It is on season 4 right now with episode 14 and 15 airing tonight at 7pm EST. Have you or Soggy been on any other sites yet? I have not. I have been keeping an eye on married with children and the xfiles but no one has posted yet. So sad. Like I mentioned in an earlier post, it was a big highlight to my week to see what people were talking about. Great chatting with you both😀 Hey soggybottom, Yep, I'm with you. If I remember correctly when watching the show for the first time I thought the first few eps with ultra-dumb Chrissy were funny. But that didn't last long. The snorting and crying were too much. I didn't care for Cindy too much and Terry was a breath of fresh air. I loved the Ropers, especially when mr. Roper would stare at the camera after making a joke. Mr. Furley was great too, as were the rest of the cast. The comedic style of John Ritter was sooo funny. I wonder if he ever hurt himself during some of his trips/falls. Some of those looked like they might have been painful haha. Anyway, glad to see a few faces on here. Hello to sister. I'm sure we will see more soon. Hi there. I think I only posted twice.. on roseannes board. The other boards I followed were the xfiles, married with children and threes company. I liked just reading but always to shy to post much. However, it was always a big part of my week to see what people were thinking. I watch threes company on deja vu every night. Such a throw back I never did post much on IMDB but I sure miss it. I too am a big fan of threes company. Hope to keep up the discussions