Guitar King's Replies

Cry harder bitch boy. Oh, my God, an exact replica to bring down the gaming industry. This is like a horror movie. This is her WORST tune, the chorus makes zero sense. Her best tunes are Gotta Let Go, Out for Blood, Close My Eyes Forever and Can't Catch Me. Kathleen Kennedy is just one of the many Communist oppressors who infiltrated the entertainment industry. Yes, our Communist oppressors forcing DEI into all entertainment is indeed messed up. Shut up, NEWB. When Kerry got in the WWF, his father wanted him to win the WWF Champion title belt that Kerry's friend, The Ultimate Warrior had. Now our Communist oppressors will call Bill an old white guy who just needs to retire. It's ugly looking, empty, generic, typical modern sci fi. Guys, Sydney has to say dumb crap like this to satisfy Hollyweird's Communist oppressors. I'm taking this with a grain of salt. Since there is zero chance of this ever becoming a quality show, it needs nudity. Because Netflix's DEI officers probably forced them to. Learn how to read. Next time read what I typed. I said No HUMAN, openly homosexual characters were portrayed in the 5 Star Trek shows under Rodenberry or Berman's watch. I agree. Hopefully all the little kiddies who don't understand Spider-man 3 will grow up and appreciate it some day. "There were homosexual and transgender storylines in ST:TNG and ST:DS9." Nope, Riker had a bizarre relationship in ONE episode with an alien that gays interpret as a homosexual relationship. The Trill were aliens that transexuals interpret as transexuals. It's projection. No human, openly homosexual characters were portrayed in the 5 Star Trek shows under Rodenberry or Berman's watch. I don't go out of my way looking for issues, either. The issues were very obvious and in your face. I thought Jimmy Fallon's shtick of always laughing during skits was funnier than that chick. Nope, outside still looks like Wes Anderson's idea of gritty. And why does my heterosexuality always anger you gays? Best ever? Did you just start watching SNL?