MovieChat Forums > Sandoz > Replies

Sandoz's Replies

I've never seen a politician look as insincere and barely literate when reading from a teleprompter as Donald Trump. Forty years of sustained opposition to the USSR and enormous and costly military spending brought that state down. Reagan mistakenly gets all the credit for this happening from conservatives who are clueless about history. How could you leave off In Harm's Way from the list? Kirk is very convincing as a naval officer who rapes a very young nurse in the film. A good performance that he drew on his own experience for. Paying attention to anything doesn't seem to be your strong why bother now? "What exactly is it that his supporters think they’re getting from him???" Federal Judges, who are intended to contribute to the oligarchial rule of America by upholding the control of Corporations and the 1% while diminishing the rights and liberties of individual citizens. All these neo-conservative dickheads who think Ass-Clown Trump, Moscow Mitch, and the rest of the fascist Republican party are sticking up for them are a bunch of clueless morons. ah, "Moscow Mitch"... It has such a nice, alliterative ring to it, doesn't it? And not only that, it happens to be true! The chants are not going to diminish as long as Moscow Mitch continues to block the anti-election bills from the Senate, either. Yes, it may be a more sensational headline to hear " ## Killed in shooting", but it shouldn't diminish the tragedy, nor the discussion as to whether the harm would have occurred at the number it did if the perpetrator hadn't had access to a rapid-fire weapon in the first place. How was he misleading? Or does the mention of "1025 injured" in those 252 mass shootings not carry any gravitas because they're not in the Killed column? Whaddya want--a medal? Have people tell you that you're a great American or something? You're part of the problem, idiot. The alt-right Senators and Congressmen will immediately retreat to the fall-back positions they always take whenever military-style assault rifles are involved in a mass-shooting like this one: It's not a gun issue; it's a mental-health issue. But in their case, it's more a lack of morality issue. Keep on cashing those donations from the NRA, Teddy and your fellow Republican scumbag pals. And thank you for being someone who supports serial abusers of women like the President and his toady Supreme Court Justice. You're a perfect specimen that's representative of the sorry state of the Republican Party in America at this time in history. In regards to Post-A lit... Have you ever read Earth Abides? I got a copy of it recently, haven't had time for novel reading lately but I'll get around it to it eventually. It's supposed to one of the seminal stories within the genre. What a relief for The Kav...he's free now to grab all the pussy he wants again! Maybe he'll visit Mar-A-Dogo and him and Trumpie can go on a groping bender. Should invite Clarence "Pubic Hair" Thomas to join in, too...the Republitards need to show Black America they're a party of inclusion. I'm wondering if he might be Trashcan Man? That's a weak prize, though; I think Trumpie even lets his enemies grab Mel's puss. There's supposed to be some kind of state fair kinda thing this weekend in Kentucky (I only caught the news story in passing) that Mitch has always attended, not a partisan event but general public crowds... I'm wondering how many people in attendance wearing the "Just Say Nyet to Moscow Mitch!" T-shirts will be there, and if MMMcTraitor will lose his cool again upon seeing them? Turnabout's a bitchie, ain't it? For both Trumpie and 5150goingon75. I feel sorry for poor Ratcliff (or "Ratty" to his friends): all that bending-over and ass-kissing in obeyance of his lord and master the Great and Powerful Trump and it didn't pan out for him after all. Donnie sucks Putin's dick (figuratively, although it may be literal, too) and you bunch of mentally-challenged traitors STILL play the "No, you are!" game. No wonder this country is going down the drain...all you hate-filled alt-right stooges are making it so.