MovieChat Forums > thiago

thiago (7)



Yup. And a hulk-like zombie that was put into that container without being heavily held by no chains AT ALL We don't live in a "feminist society". We live in a highly misogynist, patriarchist and chauvinist society. It is SO misogynist, patriarchist and chauvinist that you see only a couple of movies with strong female protagnists, in a sample space in which the vast majority of films STILL have male protagonists, and you think that because of this tiny little change the whole world became "feminist". Please, get a life and stop being dumb. I agree, the ending was really disappointing, especially because I thought Vaderohe was heading to take revenge on Tanaka, but NO, he had to become a zombie instead. Really frustrating. But what truly pissed me was: how come he only realized he was bitten ON THE PLANE? All the time he spent until that moment, and he never found out that ENORMOUS bite? Is it impossible? Obviously not. But is it likely or credible? NOT AT ALL. 42. If you're a policeman, the best place to discard a tv is in the middle of a busy avenue. 43. If you're setting up an ambush with a robber's wife to catch him, you don't need to show his picture to other officers. 44. If the appearance of the police interrupts your assassination attempt, don't worry about watching the victim so that he doesn't run away. Look, I just watched the movie, and I'm still unsure whether I liked it or not, because I don't even know how much I understood it. However, I'm sorry to inform you but your criticism is of someone who simply understood the film even less than I did. The people of the future are not willing to destroy the past so that the future changes. No: they are trying to INVERT the direction of time and entropy, as in a kind of pendulum that reaches its limit and then goes back the same way, in reverse. So, with reversed time and entropy, the inverted people of the future could live normally - and, instead of getting worse, things would gradually improve. The film has many problems, but the future people's plan certainly isn't one of them. In this sense, the film is cohesive. Look, man, this comment doesn't add NOTHING to the movie and just shows how dangerously superficial - if not sexist - you are. First, she's obviously no Scarlett Johansson but she's far from being ugly; she's a perfect average woman. Secondly, I doubt the "awful looks" of a leading male has ever bothered you in a movie; did you ever think it was difficult to watch a movie because of the "awful looks" of, for example, Joaquin Phoenix or William Dafoe? If not, why only her "awful looks" bothered you? Lastly, her looks is perfect fine for the kind of message the movie wants to deliver; if the protagonist were a top-notch beauty, it could give us the - WRONG - idea that only the most beautiful women are victims of abusive relationships; having an average woman in the leading role shows us that every woman, whether extremely beautiful or not, could be in a situation like that. Is there a moderator here? Please, if there is, ban this stupid and prejudiced user. Silly and cruel words like this do nothing but foment hatred and ignorance. To other users: please don't reply to this post, we must not feed this kind of behavior. View all replies >