Paul Schober's Replies

Did I just see those two supervillians, once they are faced with TWO FLASHES that they now realize are immune to their powers, decide to RUN DOWN THE ALLEY? lol Someone gets paid to write this stuff? I agree. Technically that would be prostitution. I love the show, but I feel this episode was a little weak as well. Pretty much all the characters essentially sleep-walking through Lenny's (I'm assuming) controlled hospital reality, which really could have all been edited down to 5 minutes. Budget issues, I suspect. Walking Dead has episodes like this too - like last Sunday's - where everyone is basically just sitting around yaking about inconsequential stuff. I'll take it back if it turns out this stuff really meant something, but I doubt it:) Terrible writing. Sasha was not suicidal, nor was she that much in love with Abraham. The writers decide she will do a "far far better thing than she has ever done before", for Rosita - just because they had a bonding moment in the warehouse a few minutes prior, and no longer hate each others' guts? Please. I don't think Eugene is Negan. Yes he's scared and yes he's enjoying a little respect and power, but he's smart enough to realize that running off with those two will almost certainly get him killed. At the very least he'll be hunted by the Saviors and will not be able to live with his friends. What was bad writing was his reaction. He should have already considered someone coming to rescue him. IMO he would have certainly told anyone to leave him there as a mole - since he has authority and freedom to move. He would say this to any would-be rescuer, even if he intended to live with the Savors permanently. It's the smart thing to say and do - he is sitting pretty where he is, regardless of which side wins. But ONLY if he tells Rosita and Sasha that he's working from the inside. His/her mother won't care about that:) I thought it was "So THIS is the big bad super-soldier we all keep getting compared to?" I doubt that. You likely clicked "I agree" on the disclaimer/agreement page when you signed up for an IMDB account, so you probably waived all such rights already. I've never understood the problem with trolls. If some jerk is being a jerk, you just put him on ignore. What is this, rocket science? Seems to me the real issue was all the "triggered" hothouse flowers that went running to the admins every time someone was "mean" to them. For God's sake, just IGNORE TROLLS!. (sorry for the caps:)\ This site needs a couple buttons on the thread heading line: one to block the thread, and one to block the thread creator as well. Simple. Take 20 minutes to code that, and trolls will be silenced as fast as they can create socks and threads. This makes no sense. Anyone else would kill for the Internet traffic the site had been getting. There were even banner ads on the message boards. Who throws that away? I second that! What would be really useful is a couple buttons right on the thread heading, that could block the whole thread, or just the thread creator. That would pretty much take care of trolls, who could be removed as fast as they can create socks and threads.