gsmith9072's Replies

You're not too bright. You're right, she has no job. She deserves NO MONEY from taxpayers and neither do the rest of that troll family. I'll play a song on a tiny violin for their attention troubles. Weird the Christmas music had that exact effect on me. It is her JOB to show up. They are already participating in honoring a legacy of tyrants who convinced billions they are superior beings. She wanted in, so she can take some BS from the press and the public who pay for her luxuries without their consent. And? I'm glad they did. They shouldn't object to being "hounded" by the people they collect their riches from. No it's not loon. Dunce. At least you're aware. "Thor 4 made an estimated $111m profit. Thats a flop." If you were joking you could have just said that instead of wasting my time. Must be REALLY bored. Oh, is this a joke or something? I don't get it. So you enjoyed those two nasty, selfish wh*res getting away with everything in this contrived garbage (I guess they're the only wh*res on the damn planet and literally no one can resist them) but couldn't stand Tanya, I guess because of her appearance. Might want to evaluate your standards. I hope it was supposed to be a joke that the assistant found it ever so terrible that she has a job to follow around a rich lady to extravagant locations. Accepting it isn't the same thing as having an open marriage. They've never openly agreed to do this and she seems upset with it, but I guess the fun message of this series is that you'll be happier if you just ignore that your spouse is cheating. Everyone seems to spontaneously heal and be fine as a result. The writer probably can't get their lover to stop cheating so they write sh*t like this. Looks like it got to you too. She's dependent on being a pathetic POS. Her personality type would try to get with Albie, marry and take his money, and if she got dropped she would at least extract money and would have lived the high life. Then she's go leech from another guy. Because she prefers to rip people off as she is a POS. That doesn't mean you do nothing. Question, since I might have missed it. When is the wh*re character mistreated by her clients? Because all I saw was her and the other wh*re scamming around and coming out on top in every scenario. What "exactly" did she do? Well I don't know, maybe something to do with her being a con artist and an overall piece of living trash. Being around when she was told to LEAVE so she can prey on rich people, and this show thinks that's just all fine and noble. If you're talking to me you're looney.