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strntz's Replies

Which is part of the brilliance of this film. On first viewing, we all think the FBI is real, Hooker set up Gondorff for the FBI, Gondorff kills Hooker for betraying him, and FBI Agent Polk then kills Gondorff for killing Hooker! On second viewing we see it's Lieutenant Snyder and Lonegan being snookered and we get to enjoy the job that Gondorff's men pulled on Snyder and Lonegan. It's like watching two different films. In a boxing match, sure. In a slap fight? Hmm... They're overdue.. LOL, interesting. Hackman is one of my favorite actors, but it's often better not to know they can be jerks at times. If you start a post describing the article that contains what seems to be doubtful information, it's simply good form to link the citation. As I said, it was interesting and seems legit. Thanks for the citation. A citation - great - as I suggested... Interesting story and seems legit. Honestly, without a citation, I would just dismiss that. [quote]According to Google, 662 people have been to outer space, while 954 have won a Nobel Prize, making astronauts more elite and rare.[/quote] Modern math? LOL, excellent points.. Removing a human being from 1986 *may* have an effect, but it's certainly not guaranteed. Even if the removed person was to have had children, there's no guarantee the would have any significant effect on the timeline. In any case, Jillian told Kirk she had no family (of course) so it wouldn't matter if she left. Of course, she was young enough to perhaps been swept off her feet by a geeky yet very studly cetacean researcher and had kids of her own, but we have to assume she never would have. But presumably the two whales wouldn't have been missed as they were likely to be killed by the Japanese whaling ships. I lost two friends and two relatives to covid, but it was the first variant. The fear was justified. Hell, China was literally welding the apartment doors shut of people who were identified with Covid. They were are ground zero and knew how deadly the virus was in 2019. Even though I got the vaccinations and one booster, most likely they weren't necessary as the later mutated strains were far less deadly and the current strains are now (fortunately) like the seasonal flu. I think only the morbidly obese and very old are susceptible to covid, but then, the obese and elderly are susceptible to seasonal flu as well. Yep. Satire is only funny when *everyone* gets lampooned. When it's all one sided, it comes off as petty and bitter. Probably worried about their jobs. [quote]Where's your proof that he was a vagrant?[/quote] In my previous post. I'm just quoting the law, not emotion. Vagrancy laws still exist in may states and cities/towns. Here's the answer: Rock, Paper, Scissors. Now, you can say that since Rocky beat Apollo in the second fight and arguably in the first, he's the better fighter. But no matter how good any fighter is, there's someone who can beat him. So someone you beat before can beat the guy who beat you... In other words, despite Apollo being the better boxer, Rocky's few limited skills were exactly what were Apollo's kryptonite. Forgetting for a minute that Teasle was a dick, Rambo was indeed a vagrant, particularly in 1982. The definition of vagrant from Cornell Law School is: [b]A person who roams from place to place without a permanent job, home, or material resources. Some states criminalize vagrancy. Some criminal vagrancy statutes, however, have been invalidated for being unconstitutionally vague — a violation of due process.[/b] Still, many states and towns/cities still carry vagrancy statutes. Whether they enforce them these days is another debate. But back in 1982, Rambo fit that description and the statutes at that time probably would have backed that up. Teasle had the right to arrest him for vagrancy on the spot but thought he would "help him out" by giving him a ride out of town. Rambo didn't seem to have much money on his person, so where was he going to stay? His options were pretty much sleeping in his bedroll and that would have been on either public or private property unless there was a campsite he could have stayed at. Classic vagrant. [quote]Why was Winthorpe selected by the Dukes?[/quote] Because it was the direct interaction between Winthorpe and Valentine during the payroll "robbery" that started the philosophical argument of why some people like Winthorpe are successful and some people like Valentine are criminals. Had Valentine run into a different Duke exec that guy would be the unfortunate recipient of the experiement. [quote]He wasn't book smart so I know he wasn't going to be a doctor. It just feels like wasted time.[/quote] Well, you certainly don't need a college education at all to be successful, but absent that, it's also not necessarily a waste of time to get a degree from Notre Dame in something else that isn't related to medicine. [quote]Depends how you define "value for money".[/quote] Me? I'm a cheap bastard and proud of it. To me, buying a brand new car is getting terrible value for my money, so I absolutely understand the difficulty in assigning "value for money" when it came to the difficulty of writing this script. Overall, I think they did a great job. Spending $30 million and having zero assets to show for it is very difficult! [quote]The Vax Got Her 😢[/quote] Him actually, but absolutely - no one ever died before the vaccine. The evidence is crystal clear.