deadpopstar's Replies

And as all my picks are Not for Most, and as I said not exactly "traditional horror." So more in that direction as far as more "classic," but still Very Horrific films, I have to fully agree with a couple that others posted: "The Shining" (Kubrick's, of course.), and "Rosemary's Baby." Not my Favorite horror film, but probably the one that horrified/disturbed me the MOST is "Salo." Not exactly a "traditional horror movie," and not one I can watch very often in my life. (If you've seen it, you Def Know what I mean..) As far as more "traditional horror" off the top of my head: Wes Craven's first film "The Last House On The Left" would be up there toward the top of my list. And please Ignore the modern remake, which in my Opinion I loathed, but even if I liked it; it's a Totally Different movie/plot So different/ect; to the point they literally should have just Titled it something else. But Craven's 1st film/that Original 1971 (uncut version) is just horrific/grim/ect. Another I'd put up there is the more "abstract" Japansese horror film, Takashi Miike's "Audition." Not traditional horror either, not like other Asian horror..realy Nothing like that nightmare of a film. But the movie Does require Patience, as the horrific parts take a bit into the film to happen (without spoiling..), but it's Worth it and a brilliant movie in my opinion!! -deadpopstar Thanks to you and all involved in creating this site/forums!! I am here/signed up due to IMDB closing their forums. Sense I see no place for a Profile yet: I am the DIY artist, deadpopstar. Most of the time my posts are Very Lengthy/borderline Essays sometimes.ha. If you don't wish to read them, it's Absolutely cool!, just skip over them!! I look forward to some great rational debates and discussions on here about films/series!! :) -deadpopstar