laurence01's Replies

There were no location scenes in this film. All outside scenes were shot on sets built on the backlot of the studeo. Just so you know. If no remakes were made, the 1939 version would not exist. It was the third filmed version. What format is that on? However you then have to contend with the music licencing cuts. She would have danced with Kelly in Easter Parade, if he haden't broken his ankle. I think you are on the wrong board, you want "Bedknobs & Broomsticks" Mary had a little lamb, her father shot it dead, now it goes to school with her, between to hunks of bread !! Does it not occur to anyone that Louise is not hurt because she is being hit by a ghost. The character is in the stage version, so I don't see a problem. The name comes from a real racing car. Thank god someone with a brain, even American equity agrees that there is no problem with this. Which is why Jonathan Pryce was allowed to open in "Miss Saigon" on Broadway. So did I. I thought it was brilliant. What were people expecting based on the Show.