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BabatomyFriends (34)



[quote]She is mocked about it, and is portrayed as an imperfect person whilst being fat.[/quote] Is she really portrayed as an imperfect person? Or is she perfect when she is thin? There are plenty of jokes about her having been fat in the past but not in those flashback episodes when she is actually shown as fat. There she mostly comes across as naive and bubbly, but not imperfect. The only one who even mentions the fact that she is fat is Chandler and it makes him look immature and selfish. Plus when Monica gets thin it's shown that her problem wasn't really that she was fat. Being thin didn't solve all her problems. She's still Monica, fat or thin. This post was deleted because it was the result of a bottle of Merlot and an old condom. This post was deleted, because it thought that if it'd work with stocks, it'd have to live in a box, and only eat lox, and have a pet fox .... Yeah, you don't want that in a broker. Jack Geller - drinks condensed milk right out of the can Monica - cleans the toilet while you're still on it Chandler - hides his cigarettes under the toilet, steals the bath you've just run Phoebe - feeds the rats in her flat Rachel - forgets to take off the Christmas lights Joey - licks spoons instead of cleaning them, uses his roomate's toothbrush to unclog the drain ... This post was deleted because it failed to stop the Q-Tip when there was resistance. This post was deleted because it has the spirit of an old Indian woman living in its ceiling. Its not so strange if you consider that everyone sees things differently. Chandler probably had a different view of Kip and what he did than Monica, and Rachel and Joey only knew about him from Monica's or Chandler's accounts respectively. Also Joey and Rachel both used what they knew of Kip to back up their respective arguments, i.e. Rachel that he was treated similarly to her and Joey, that he used to be Chandler's roommate, and they both ignore/forget the rest since it doesn't matter to them at that point. And I highly doubt Joey's ability to instantly remember a conversation of three years ago the second Kip's name comes up when we all know that at least half his mind is constantly occupied with food and sex. And how should Rachel know that Joey knows about Kip? She just knows that Joey never met him and probably assumes from that that he doesn't know about him either. Yeah, lots of things are inconsistent in the show, but then that goes for real life too. People are forgetful, vague, inconsistent and often just can't be bothered to care one way or another. They wouldn't be human else. This post was deleted because it had niffles on its heaving beasts. And you should have seen its huge throbbing pens! This post was deleted because there is something fundamentally unmarriable about it. View all replies >