MovieChat Forums > Last Night in Soho (2021) Discussion > [Spoiler] What was making her dream all ...

[Spoiler] What was making her dream all that? And what about the mother?

So Sandie was alive, and the ghosts were not making her dream all that. What was Ellie's connection to all this which make her see what happened to Sandie? After seeing things accurately how did she see her dying? I enjoyed the movie but it was somehow twisted itself conveniently to insert a plot twist.

Her mother saw things and we never get any insight into her or their relation. Do they they share some power to see the dead or the past? Is this why she killed herself?


They said early on that she had certain “abilities” to see the dead, etc. So, we are to assume she just had a sensitivity to that stuff.

And when she had the vision of Sandy’s death she saw everything somewhat accurately (sandy and the guy fighting….a knife….blood)…but she was just distracted by also starting to have sex with her guy and old Sandy banging on the door….she was looking back and forth to dream world and real world and didn’t quite catch everything…so when she saw Sandy with blood all over her…she assumed it was Sandy’s blood


If I remember correctly, it clearly shown that Sandie is getting stabbed. Its not shown ambiguously.


I'm pretty sure it did not show that sandie was getting stabbed. We only saw the blood splatter, and then her laying there with blood all over her.

Twist was set up fairly well I think.


You gotta watch the scene between 01.11 hrs to 01.12 hrs again. Sandie is lying down and and the knife is being thrusted from the top very clearly. Both her hands are on her side. One cant even imagine that she is holding the knife at any point. As for Ellie, she sees it very very clearly, her eyes reflect in the knife. There's no chance she can interpret this in an exact opposite way. I am watching the scene right to make sure i got it right :-)

I loved the movie anyway!!


dammit. lmao

I'll check it out once I get the bluray. That's disappointing.

I mean, I could make the argument that her visions are imperfect...but like most things in the movie, there's just too little explained imo, and not enough of a coherent picture of what the fuck is going on.

I was giving it the benefit of the doubt until I rewatched it, but if you're confirming that...damn, I'm now less optimistic about the other stuff I was trying to rationalize.

Still a pretty, exciting movie. I like it too...just wish it could have been a lot better to satisfy my anya taylor-joy fanboying.


Yeah I think I remember that scene now. The filmmakers deliberately lie to the audience so they can set up a twist ending. Lazy writing like having a petite blonde able to murder all those men, dispose of their bodies and avoid detection for years.

Also the Matt Smith character is shown as a consummate gentleman but without any warning turns into a complete bastard ten minutes later. Just because the plot requires it.

Not a bad film but just a very average one in my opinion.


Just finished watching it and totally agree with your comments.

In the last few minutes when Diana Riggs character started to seem off I suspected immediately she was an older version of someone that Eloise had encountered in her time travels/dreams. I was wracking my brain trying to guess who she could be. Certainly not Sandie because we saw her get butchered.

Surprise! The director pulls a fast one when Riggs reveals herself as Sandie and that she had only died "metaphorically". What a clumsy, lame way to shoehorn in some sort of weak-ass plot twist. Up to that point it was a superior movie.

From that point though it was simply a slasher movie like any other... well, except that the killer was a slow not-at-all-menacing old woman.
