
Netflix original zombie series without zombies or how to make a good show.

It's more axed around drama and characters which are quite colorful and ... un-american - which is one of the good things about the show.

Acting, cinema, direction - all at least decent.


It's not a Netflix original, Netflix is just the distributor here in the US.

I watched it in Russian at the start of the pandemic, thought that it was quite good for the most part.

There is supposed to be a continuation (as in, the author wrote another book), so I hope with Netflix support we'll see more of their story.


Just finished it. I thought it was really good. Looking forward to season 2.


Wow, wow and wow! what a brilliant series!
The filming, acting, story - all were unbelievable!
Too bad for the ending though...guess season 2 is coming...


Watching it now. It's really good, even with the dubbing. Very gripping and the tension hasn't really let up so far.


These are infected zombies, like the ones in 28 Days Later. More scientifically believable than animated corpses.

Yeah, the fact that this is set in a different part of the world, a different culture, not Hollywood produced, makes it interesting. Russia is twice the land area of the continental US, most of it wilderness a thousand miles away from anything - exactly the sort of place you'd want to be in a pandemic this bad. Just make sure you've got plenty of supplies and a nice warm cabin. Those winters are a bitch!

I liked the fact that this group is a realistic depiction of random shmucks in over their heads. No special insight into what's going on, more lucky than smart. Real survivors of war and other disasters usually tell stories like this. Somehow they managed to stumble through what killed so many others and live to talk about it.


Yes, this is really a good show and a good story. Nothing seems outrageously stupid on the part of the character, like most American shows of this sort.

By the way, the spelling is "excellent".


Thanks for the correction :)
