MovieChat Forums > Loki (2021) Discussion > Plot Holes Collection

Plot Holes Collection

1. The TVA seems to be out of time as they observe every point in time. But there is no standstill. Instead, from every point in time a time line occurs and is observed in real-time by the TVA which means there has to be some time flow wherever the TVA is located. There even must be some time flow as otherwise nothing could move or live in the TVA.
- The TVA itself can form time line deviations but no one is observing it.
- Even if something would observe it, it would also form time line deviations, ad infinitum.

2. If "the one who remains" has the ability to look up everything to a particular point in time why is he not able to observe the changes done after his death but also occur in the past?
- This would implicate a time layer above the "sacred" time line (where also the TVA would be bound to) which is also part of the deviation problem (as we see when the TVA has changed).

3. The TVA has to react in real-time to prevent any deviation reaching the red line. How can then there even exist so many clearly deviant Loki variants? Remember, the variants need to deviate from the main time line and the TVA has to react in real time. This means, every Loki variant should have to be reversed within a reasonable time frame.
- With the exception of Loki-lookalike Lokis (what a phrase), who are also acting like Loki and would have the properties of him, this would mean the TVA would need to reverse thousands(!) of years in order to preserve the singular time line and the "sacred" Loki. Otherwise their mission fails. In fact, there are only 4 Lokis for which the whole theory makes sense: the Loki from 2012 (the protagonist), the young one (who killed Thor), the old one (who escapes after his "sacred" but faked dead) and the gang-leading Loki (who gets bitten by the Croco Loki).
- By the way, Sylvie is not necessarily a plot hole as she could be the Entchantress and therefore would not really be a variant of Loki (what the TVA cannot detect) which also means that Loki and her are not an selfcestuous couple.

4. Loki's physical strength outside the TVA is patchy.

5. ENDGAME: As we see, the TVA is fixing the 2012 "sacred" time line. Therefore Loki never escaped with the Tesseract from New York in 2012 (in Endgame).
- Why did Tony then not steal it?

6. ENDGAME: In order for the plot of Endgame to work it needs at least 2 time lines: one where Thanos lives 2018 (to trigger everything) and one where he does not anymore (as he is killed by Tony before triggering everything).
- This contradicts the singular time line plot of Loki but could be solved by the TVA stopped functioning as Sylvie kills "the one who remains" and everything (also up to the point where "the one who remains" is killed) can change and deviate (again).
- This also implicates that there would be at least 14,000,005 time lines where everybody remains dead or even worse (according to Dr. Stranges "look into the future").
- This also means, every time Dr. Strange manipulates time a new time line is created which is horrifying the more you think about it.

7. Physics: By the TVA using the Gregorian Calendar and a time relation on Earth (let me guess: Greenwich Mean Time) the MCU assumes the same passage of time for every point in the universe/multiverse.

8. Physics: As we know everything moves in time. The flow of time could even be defined as relational movement of objects, in general. Thereby, every deviation of an object(s) movement(s) leads to other space-time-coordinates for this object(s). Furthermore, objects are influencing the movement of other objects by gravity. From this, a deterministic behavior can be derived, which, however, becomes chaotic and indeterminable above a certain number of objects or a certain time course. This is comparable to the quantum level, which also plays a role in the MCU. It is therefore perhaps not necessarily a plot hole within the MCU, in which even quantum level coordinates are aimable, but it should be kept generally in the back of the head, if one fabulates about time travels.
