MovieChat Forums > The Special (2020) Discussion > Will you admit to watching this?

Will you admit to watching this?

Low production quality and B-Movie acting for sure but never did I stop being interested in what's going on with the story and characters.

Some seen-before themes about addiction and sex, and if you're not too picky about the unpolished feel of this movie, it was better than movies which look better but lose their appeal. I kept watching with curiosity.


I’ll admit to watching it, but I didn’t like it. It just felt way too overt with the addiction theme. I will say that the kills were really lackluster. everyone was strangled/ died by asphyxiation. And they milk each of those scenes.


I watched a summary of it on one of those YT channels that do abridged versions of movies.

It got me curious enough to look it up. Only a 4.9 on IMDB though.
