MovieChat Forums > Knives Out (2019) Discussion > Critics Love it cause its Anti-Trump

Critics Love it cause its Anti-Trump

good thing Rian Johnson is subtle with his political undertones, no one wants to see a movie while forcing political agendas down your throat


From critic Matt Goldberg, "It's also a scathing indictment of American greed in the Trump era." I honestly don't know what he's talking about. Not wanting to pay twice as much for health insurance as one's mortgage, and then forty percent of medical costs on top of that, isn't what I would call greed. Not wanting to pay higher taxes when the govt wastes so much is not greed. Wanting a secure border, while allowing legal immigrants and asylum seekers, is not greed.


None of that matters if you judge parents for chopping off their trans kid's ding dong.


Sure they do.




The Last Jedi was a mess and they loved that too, according to RT anyway.

Film criticism has gotten so politicized. I don't pay much mind to the pro critics anymore.


I think critics "love it" more because Rian Johnson is liked very much in Hollywood. Why? Hard to know. I think the preferred directors are the ones who are easy to work with, and don't get worked up about "artistic integrity," etc. They get the product made, keep their mouths shut, and leave the suits alone.


Really? Until now, I had no idea he was so rabidly political. I just knew him as the guy who helped ruin Star Wars.


Interesting that you thought it was anti Trump, because in the approx 15 seconds of political discussion the characters said as many pro-Trump things as anti-Trump things.



All the characters were horrible people, even the ones complaining about putting kids in cages. And BTW, are you in favor of putting kids in cages?


Obama didn't have an issue with it he was the one who had the cages built.


All the characters... except Marta and her illegal immigrant mother, of course.

Don’t be fooled, this is anti-white, pro-illegal porn of the worst kind.



Marta covered up what really and lied to the investigators.

But you Trump supporters don't consider those things to be crimes, right? Lol


Marta simply followed Harlan’s instructions to evade wrongful imprisonment/execution for a ‘crime’ she never committed, and for which we later discover she was framed.

Nobody would begrudge anyone for doing that, especially since she was mainly motivated by wanting to protect her mother.

Notice how you must label dissenters as ‘Trump supporters’, you have been taught to think in tribal terms and to hate wrongthinkers. Rian Johnson’s brand of propaganda has worked on you.


Since when is committing a crime considered not a crime because somebody else told you to do it?

It is one of the twist of this movie that Marta was not guilty of homicide but she believed that she was!



It's clear you didn't see the movie and don't know what you are talking about.



I guarentee you that if you saw it and you didn't like it it wouldn't because of any political issues.


''I guarentee you that if you saw it and you didn't like it it wouldn't because of any political issues.''

THIS. I sincerly didn't even make the connection between this movie and any anti-Trump subtext. But people, nowadays, seem to want to include politics absolutely everywhere even if it is SO irrelevant to the plot. And if someone REALLY happens to dislike the movie because of THIS, he might need to stop nitpicking and get his head out of his ass.


Maybe they liked I because it's just a fun movie. The family is split on political lines and none of them come off looking very good anyway.


Thanks for this unbiased view...


lols Sorry dude but I saw it and genuinely liked it, thought it was a blast. There are plenty of movies made by liberals that I've disliked. Before it started I saw a preview for Clint Eastwood's new movie about Richard Jewel and thought that also looked really good and plan on seeing it. I disagree with the majority of Eastwood's political views but I think he is a great filmmaker and actor. I love movies and life is way too short to let politics ruin my enjoyment of good films.


I agree. Why did you say sorry?
I wasn't being facetious..


Oh hahaha I guess the internet has me to the point that I see cynicism even when none exists! Sorry, this time for misunderstanding your comment!


''I love movies and life is way too short to let politics ruin my enjoyment of good films. ''

Someone, give this man a cookie!
