MovieChat Forums > Black Summer (2019) Discussion > That fool in the grocery store

That fool in the grocery store

So he finds the equivalent of a gold mine in the zombie apocalypse and instead of doing the smart thing like securing the place or prepping a quick survival bag if he has to bolt, he just casually strolls around like he's at a Walmart on a Sunday afternoon. He fills a cart with impractical items(a 12 pack of Miller High Life, Seriously?) and in the end comes away with nothing because he let a zombie in.

I hope he at least had the good sense to eat and drink something when he got there.


Characters like this always make me wonder why do writers seem to always have the dimmest of the bulbs continue to survive....I'm like you....ANY rational person would have done something about those doors as soon as walking in after being chased around by a speed demon zombie...


Miller High Life is the champagne of beers, though.


Only it was Lite beer from Miller and not high lifeπŸ˜‚πŸ‘


Well, shit. I was going off what OP said. Miller Lite is gross.




sure is πŸ‘πŸ‘




Canadian beer is better πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


Send me me some!
Dos Equis is my go to.


Molson or Labatts ??


I’ve had neither of those.


That drove me nuts! Also that they wanted to leave the Diner, why? They had food, water and shelter but no they just HAD to go out there and fight them.


Well, they actually had no choice. It became clear that those 2 zombies weren't going anywhere, and they had reason to believe a really big hoard was on it's way. If 2 zombies could possibly break in, how about a hoard. Also, tensions were too high in that diner among that group. They couldn't get along good enough to last any length of time.


This fool showed his stupidity way before he got to that store:

1. While being chased by zombie dude, he ran into a house and didn't close the door behind him. Oh, but he does take the time to throw a few obstacles in the house in zombie dude's path.

2. He decides to yell for help while standing in the middle of the street. (sure. just tell every zombie within a mile radius where you are)

3. When he jumps from the bus to the trailer, he decides to abruptly open the door of the trailer without checking where zombie dude is. Oh, there he is. Right at the door.

4. He doesn't think to secure himself in the grocery store.

5. In the fire dept garage, he goes through 2 side doors and never thinks to close them behind him.

6. Before he tries to hack zombie dude, he decides to yell at him before he hacks him so he can give zombie dude a warning. (but he fouls that up anyway)

7. Runs into a book store and yet again, doesn't think to shut the door behind him. Luckily the door seems to close automatically, but luckily for zombie dude, he know how to open doors.

Writer/director needs to improve his story-telling skills.


Good post and 100% accurate :-)

He drove me crazy too with all the stupid things he continuously did!


8. He jumps from the roof on the higher section (instead of jumping near the stairs)


I couldn't stand this guy. He just had no sense at all. First the drum in the school, then the grocery store and fire station, and then being chased by a zombie or sneaking around and NEVER closes a door behind him. I haven't finished the series, but I am rooting for the zombies against him lol


I have to add that the way he runs cracks me up. The grocery store annoyed me the most too. Secure the doors, find something you can use as a weapon etc.


Lance was a fuсking moron. You could do a top 100 list of all the dimwitted idiotic mistakes he made that the average ten year old would be smart enough to avoid. He stumbled and bumbled his way through eight episodes, surviving by pure chance, then took a random friendly fire bullet to the chest. Literally every stupid decision possible and he doesn't die. The moment he grows a spine, stands his ground and fights, one of his own group shoots him by accident. lmao.
