A disaster of a show

Jean-Luc is too radically different from the dynamic and strong character we knew in TNG. Here he is crippled with self-doubt, lacks essential vitality, doesn’t command respect, is scorned by many characters and treated not as the heroic former captain of star fleets flagship but is distrusted at best treated with outright hostility at worst.

Compare him to Scotty or Kirk in later eras; they recognized that times had changed but they were true to their essential natures. Kirk didn’t become Ensign Barclay, Scotty vigorously pushed back against La Forge’s obvious jealousy of the formers legendary engineering prowess.

This is beyond dismantling the hero archetype but transforming him into a drug addict who steals to assuage his insatiable thirst and scrambles in an alley way, pulling up a urine soaked pant leg to find a new vein to inject into. It’s too big of a transformation to retain any sense of integrity to the character.

As for the plot itself - the androids at the end of season 1 spend an inordinate amount of time working to destroy all organic life in the galaxy but Picards rousing two minute oratory is enough to save organic life from oblivion. Who then dies and an interloper in the form of a clone takes over, with the jarring name of “a Gollum”. It is a ridiculous and an unnecessary outcome which adds nothing to the show.

TOS and TNG had superb writers. Giants in science fiction. The writing on this show has left it a pale shadow compared to the majesty of the TOS-TNG-DS9 era. Even STE shines with brilliance compared to this dross.


I agree.

Patrick Stewart is not really playing Picard in this show. I think this was a conscious decision on his part. The idea of bringing back the show's Picard character was never about doing it for the fans of Star Trek, but really about Patrick Stewart and the show writers using a known franchise as a platform, in order to get their political views about the world into entertainment.

I was a great fan of STNG and DS9, this show I simply do not accept as canon. Maybe one day the TNG will get a reboot as a TV series, hopefully by then the producers and writers will be looking at creating a mainstream entertainment show that honors what made it a good show in the first place.


He's 90 years old, give him a break. I think your frame of reference is a bit off. Have you watched Discovery? This is as good as it gets these days.


A disaster in other words.


What irks me is that Picard is quite all right sci-fi, not like the originals, but different. Don't trash it until you've seen discovery. If you dislike this, Discovery will give you a stroke. Channel your hate to where it's most needed, for the good of the genre.


I've seen s1 of Picard, I hated it. More power to you if you enjoy it but it's not for me.
