Is it worth watching

I was holding on till the series finished and bingeing it in a one month subscription. After reading reviews and seeing you tube reviews I'm asking shall I bother? As I've always liked the Picard character ( he got me into earl grey tea! ). Serious question.


The short answer is no.

The long answer is no way.

It might be a good show but it is a garbage Star Trek show.


"it is a garbage Star Trek show." You just killed your credibility with that line but at the same time illustrated why the show is so bad. If it was more like Star Trek it would be good, because it isn't it is terrible.


No it's ultra violent right from the beginning and full of disturbing themes. The director is terrible.


The last part of the second-to-last episode and this final episode were the first times where there was some actual "Star Trek" in this Star Trek.

And, all of it involved Patrick Stewart and his great acting.


I loved it. 8.5/10
