MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: Picard (2020) Discussion > The MAJOR SHIFT in POWER from MALE to FE...


What's obvious at this point is how there's been a MAJOR SHIFT in POWER from MALE to FEMALE in Star Trek PICARD.


But in this NEW TREK SHOW we find him POWERLESS, and going around BEGGING others for their HELP.

The First **FEMALE** that he begs for help is STAR FLEET's ADMIRAL CLANCY who turns him down …

who's also in CAHOOTS with another **FEMALE** called COMMADER OH …

who's also got the **SISTER** of this other guy bugging him that he's being way TOO SLOW in PUMPING Data's daughter SOJI for INFO about where other SYNTHS are located.

And on the other SIDE of the situation we have a BUNCH of **FEMALE "KUNG FU" WARRIOR NUNS** …

who raised ELNOR …

who COULDN'T be a member of their ORGANIZATION because he's A MALE.

And we also have **7 of 9** showing up again to SAVE the DAY for PICARD when he's attacked by a ROMULAN BIRD of PREY.

So **whereas Star Trek DISCOVERY had a COUPLE of FEMALE LEADS (MICHAEL and GEOGIOU), we now seem to have SEVERAL FEMALES who hold several different positions of POWER in PICARD.**

**And PICARD's pretty much been SHOVED ASIDE or over to the SIDE LINES where he's now for the most part POWERLESS.**

If only she were here, **my bet is CHAUCER'S WIFE of BATH from "*The CANTERBURY TALES*"" would be VERY PLEASED with the way things are going here in this PICARD STORY that takes place in the FUTURE TIME**.

In case anyone isn't familiar with **The WIFE of BATH from *The CANTERBURY TALES*** …

she married 2 RICH OLD MEN for their money when she was still young …

who married her for her other CHARMS …

and then after the 2 OLD RICH HUBBIES died …

the WIFE of BATH …

who was now a RICH WOMAN …

then proceeds to marry 3 more much YOUNGER MEN …

who married her for her MONEY …

whereas she married them for their other CHARMS.

And just like she CHEATED on the other 2 OLD MEN she married, her younger hubbies also cheated on her when they married her (when she was also an OLDER WOMAN to them).

Meaning EVERYTHING that GOES AROUND comes back around again.


**What do women most desire in the Tales**? | The Canterbury …

>Nov 09, 2009 · **In the Wife of Bath's tale it says that the thing women want most is control. They want to have control over decisions their husbands and overall the freedom to do what they want**.


So whereas PICARD was previously the BIG SHOT with the BIG REPUTATION 20 YEARS ago, now he finds himself taking a BACK SEAT to others who are more POWERFUL and are more well known to others than he is (such as 7 of 9 who shows up to RESCUE him**).

And **whereas PICARD spends SEVERAL YEARS hanging out in the VINEYARDS at his CHATEAU, LIFE has MOVED ON without him, and now he's also "WAKING UP" to "DISCOVER" that his BIG SHOT REPUTATION no longer means anything anymore to most people**.

**And that's also the reason why he's very MUCH like the other "DUTCHMAN" called "RIP VAN WINKLE," who also "WOKE UP" 20 YEARS LATER to find out the WORLD had moved on without HIM while he'd been sleeping.



And yet the powerful female characters are not that happy. They are emboilled in maintaining power and suppressing threats.

In the case of Seven of Nine, she certainly seems put out by needing to help Picard in a difficult situation. Has he disrupted a situation which she had better control over before he turned up causing a stir? Does she resent his unwitting contribution to the politics of anti-Synthetic beings since the Mars attack?

I don't think she resents Picard because he is a man though. She seemed fairly neutral on that topic on Voyager I believe - it was just not issue for her whether men had too much power or not as she was very capable and relatively free to do things within Starfleet protocol as a crew person.

There is no question that Seven is a potent character, so it is not as if she as received undue attention by the writers (thus far). By contrast Picard is struggling to receive respect as you say. Though I'm not sure it is entirely undue treatment given his objective circumstances: he is a retiree not a recent active Starfleet Officer; he criticised publicly Starfleet which is probable not a wise political move; as a civilian he lacks the organisational protocols to give orders to others as his subordinate crew (he is also not an employer but is a customer of services rendered and owned by others); his alliances are tentative as there are some personal sensitivities to navigate to establish trust and effective teamwork; his access to weapons is very limited at the moment and the ship he is using is much less powerful than a Starfleet battlecruiser like Enterprise; negotiating anything or assert influence relies and his personal ability without the backing of Starfleet or Federation authority; so far, many are suspicious of his motives or see him as an enemy. I don't know how anyone would fair better under similar circumstances.

It makes sense story-wise that Picard seems cast adrift and sidelined. Is it reasonable to treat him this way?


Shouldn't a person of merit, strength and achievement be treated differently and given several story elements that assist him to achieve his aims because he is a good person? I think because so many people are under stress they mistrust figures of power and it seems the human species - they see them as causes of their maladies. Regardless of the finer points of history and the hidden conspiracy yet to be uncovered privately and publicly, Picard must as a result suffer ostracisation until perhaps he can find answers to his questions and expose those responsible for the injustices of recent history.

Is it convenient that Picard is a "weak, old man" for feminist advocates so that they can showcase female characters as powerful entities? It's possible. But if you think more on it, the fact is Picard is of such fine character he is the equal or better of many feminists in his even-handed attitude to others and empathy.


Thanks everyone for all of your replies back to this topic !!!

keithmovies says:

And yet the powerful female characters are not that happy. They are emboilled in maintaining power and suppressing threats[/quote].


Well put. I agree. What comes to mind is the saying about how POWER CORRUPTS.

At the 8:30 TIME MARK in this VIDEO 7 of 9 explains how she sees STAR FLEET and PICARD as responsible for the mess that the GALAXY is in now:

And it also talks about how she belongs to some kind of "FEMALE FREEDOM FIGHTER" group.

So the question is WHO's FREEDOM are they FIGHTING FOR??? For those who were FORMER BORG's???


I don't think she resents Picard because he is a man though...

I believe - it was just not issue for her whether men had too much power or not

Me either.

Which also makes it kind of ODD that we'd have so many FEMALES in POWER now after the way SEXUAL POLITICS never seemed to be that much of an issue before for STAR FLEET …

especially once we also had a FEMALE CAPTAIN and ADMIRAL like JANEWAY who also achieved LEGENDARY STATUS due to the way she OUTSMARTED and DEFEATED the BORG QUEEN.

Since PICARD was also originally DEFEATED and ASSIMILATED by the BORG QUEEN, perhaps that may also have something to do with the reason why we have so many WOMEN in positions of POWER now???

Because maybe FEMALES are seen as being more CUNNING and CLEVER???

Or maybe with the MIRROR version of GEORGIOU helping to run SECTION 31, that might also have something to do with it???

Because after LORCA tried to do away with her and make himself an EMPEROR, maybe she's LESS TRUSTFUL now of having MEN being in POWERFUL positions???

And it's also interesting how the BORG also chose to have a FEMALE (instead of a MALE) who had POWER over all of them.


Writers need jobs..any writer who doesn't go with the 'strong woman' ethos of today's Hollywood will not get a paycheck.

This dynamic should not be a surprise to anyone.

I challange anyone to name a popular tv show or movie in the past 5 years where a 'damsel in distress' was rescued by a man. This was so cliche in old Hollywood, now it is hard to think of one.


That's certainly a possible influence and situation for the series. Writers will not buck the system that pays them usually.

Game of Thrones had both directions of heroics.

Person of Interest had both.


I challange anyone to name a popular tv show or movie in the past 5 years where a 'damsel in distress' was rescued by a man.

That's an EASY PEASY one because of the we saw MICHAEL BURNHAM in "DISCOVERY" being a DAMSEL in DISTRESS at least 2 TIMES.

Once was when TYLER's ALTER KLINGON PERSONALITY Kicks in and almost CHOKES her to death before SARU comes to the RESCUE and yanks him off of her.

The other time was when the other guy she knew (who she didn't know had already been taken over by CONTROL) tried to kill her before SPOCK RESCUES her and stops the other guy from harming her.

One could also say NUMBER ONE also RESCUED her as well when Airiam needed to be AIR LOCKED and MICHAEL wasn't able to do it.

PLUS her mother (the RED ANGEL) also RESCUED her when they deliberately let her die as a way to CAPTURE the RED ANGEL



this is one of the big reasons i turned it off. it's better to watch movies from the 40s, 60s, and 70s.


