MovieChat Forums > Freaks (2019) Discussion > Who were really the bad guys?

Who were really the bad guys?

Chloe, her mom, her dad, and grandpa? Or the ADF?


I would say the villains were the normal people that didn't understand and felt afraid.


I don't think there's a clear answer. It was stated that the "freaks" had been killers (Dallas) at some point but we're not given info on the actual event(s).


intentionally ambiguous.


Human nature was.

Be it the normals, who feared the people with abnormal ability, who were shunned, attacked, et al.
Or the freaks, who were hunted, attacked, had to retaliate in kind to start a rebellion.

Both innate parts of human nature. We attack that which we do not understand, and those who are misunderstood, rebel.

So.. human nature was the enemy...

"You're taking all the toilet rolls, leave some for the rest of us!"
"I needs that toilet papers and Imma smack you upside the head if you take my rolls.."
*violence ensues*

We're witnessing it, right now...


The Freaks were the bad guys. They destroyed DALLAS and more probably.


People can skew it however they want, but the answer is pretty clear cut and obvious.

The dad and daughter were the protagonists of the story, certainly. But protagonist doesn't always mean good.

The dad was clearly TRYING to be good, to hide, he said he didn't kill anymore, etc.

Which implies that he did. And CLEARLY the grandfather gave zero f***s about human life. In fact it's directly implied that whatever happened in "Dallas", he was involved with, perhaps even masterminded.

The mother seemed like MAYBE she had some regret/remorse for whatever atrocity she committed, which obviously set all "Abnormals" up as basically being dead meat. But she also gets over whatever little remorse she might have right quick, as soon as doe eyed daughter basically says "We'll do whatever we want, and no one will stop us". She's like "Okay!"

Of the main characters of the story, the dad is clearly the only one with any kind of moral compass. It is mostly driven by his desire to protect his kid, yes. But he still seems to care on some level about other people.

But the "Abnormals" in the story are absolutely the villains, outside of him. The grandpa is nuts and murderous. The mom is pretty far gone, and has no qualms about killing. And the daughter, through the course of the story, manipulates people against their will, and eventually becomes a murderer herself. They are 100% the villains.


This is a reasonable take. But they are Magneto type villains, not Lex Luther villains.


Well said. They WERE the villains and ordinary people defended themselves.

I would actually love to see flashbacks of their "glory days". Once their powers were revealed and action started it was looking very cool. I wonder how mother was caught with those superpowers she possesses.

As I understood there was a big fight and they were caught in the mountain or something and grandpa and dad escaped. And dad has had enough and decided to lay low and raise his daughter and give her moral complex and brains to disguise as normal child so that they would not be caught. He probably thought that around 12-15 she will be smart enough to understand not to use her powers.

He really tried hard. But eventually child was too bored to sit home not understanding why. Sitting in suburban house was not smart. He should have move to remote place in the woods where child could go outside and not be trapped all day. He could move to another country, some poor one. They would not swat him there.


The brilliant thing about the film is that no one is really doing the wrong thing from their own perspective.
