MovieChat Forums > Midsommar (2019) Discussion > WTF Did I Just Watch?

WTF Did I Just Watch?

This movie was too god damn stupid to even attempt to evaluate. And 30 mins too long. It’s so long you start to get annoyed before they get to the juicy stuff.

Pass on this. Trust me. It’s beyond dumb. But I do have one question. Their “friend” who takes them to Sweden? Was he prepping them to be sacrificed all along? I didn’t get that part.


I thought it was great. You obviously didn't, but don't tell others what they should or shouldn't like. You aren't the only person in the world. You also didn't seem to get a lot of what was going on and not just whether the friend was prepping them to be sacrificed.


It’s personal preference. This is an opinion board. Pacing was too slow. Didn’t need to be 2 and half hours. Could’ve had the exact same film done at 2 hrs. I understand it was a pagan sacrifice film just like Hereditary which by the way was ALOT better than this. This was so just so weird and too drawn out.


For you it was too long and drawn out, but you are not everyone. Some of us like it when movies take their time to unfold. It makes the pay off more rewarding. If you don't like movies like this, then that is fine, but don't tell others(who may enjoy it) not to see it just because it isn't the kind of movie that interests you.


The runtime zoomed by for me. I thought the movie was paced very well.


Me too. I happened to look at my phone at the 2 hour mark and was surprised that it was almost over.


I agree with Diddy1111 (126), the movie didn't build up enough suspense to warrant such a long running time. It dragged. And the "payoff" was minimal.


That is your opinion. It kept my interest throughout and never felt drawn out.


Why do people have to say "that is your opinion"? Of course it's all opinion!


Why do people have to pick apart what everyone says? In doing that are you trying to prove your superiority?


No, just sharing what irritates me. It's what the internet's for;p




My son just got back from a viewing and said it was too long and meandering but looked cool.
Btw, he and I loved Hereditary.


I didn't find it too long. I loved how it took its time. The length made it possible to take in the scenery and the festival more. I loved it.


Exactly. I didn't find any dull moments. I liked the movie. It didn't feel like a 2hour 25 minute movie.


Right, if I am really into the plot, characters and locations a movies length isn't of concern. If people can watch a 3 hour Avengers movie then I don't understand how they are complaining about this. I was fascinated with all of it.


People that enjoy these super slow burns and vivid visuals love movies like the Revenant with its great scenery. I can appreciate that stuff but I dont need a drawn out experience to absorb it. I would hate this movie much less if it didnt take itself so seriously by drawing out the story just to immerse you in the imagery. I always find that directorial tactic to be arrogant.


Very true because I did like the Revenant. I know i don't like long action/crime movies but mainly like Equalizer and John Wick type of movies. They were good but after awhile especially during some action parts, I'm just like OOOOKAY, next.


Then you haven't seen some of the greatest movies ever made Diddy. Taking time to immerse the audience in imagery isn't arrogant, but the director who uses imagery is a composer, stylist and someone who puts each each part in some kind of framework. They express the style and sensibility of the director. Imagery can hint at the characters unseen inner workings. These are artistic choices the director makes and placing them all in a category you call "arrogant" is simplistic criticism at best.





It's an interesting experiment in horror but i'm still not sure the story gels as well as people think it does.

Have a short review of this movie if anyone is interested. Enjoy! Review here -


It doesnt gel at all. It's all over the god damn place in the third act.


What exactly does all over the God damn place mean? I thought it all came together very perfectly. You obviously must have been on your phone checking your messages on Instagram or something.


If by perfectly you mean a muddled and messy, than yes perfect.

And it takes the opposite of checking your phone to notice that. What were you checking? Your ego?


Again, if you can't pay attention, then just sit home and stare at the wall.


It was pretty dull and dreary. I didn’t feel anything but relief when it was over.

Good acting though.


Yes, their friend, Pele, was definitely in on it. He was tasked to go out and bring back sacrifices like his friend w/the Londoners.
