MovieChat Forums > 1917 (2020) Discussion > Long takes does not a good film make

Long takes does not a good film make

This movie is pure Oscar bait but so much is made longer than needed and too many inconsistencies arise due to the insistence of making the movie look like it is done in a single take. It is like the director confused doing it in a long take with storytelling and progression. It really just became tedious after a while.


no, but when an already awesome movie has incredible cinematography, it definitely don't hurt


This film was made for (1) Oscar bait and (2) the one-shot gimmick. This is not art.


Yep, no body will care about this movie a year from now.


That’s right! To hell with this movie. Give us a superhero reboot or sequel or whatever!!


No need for superhero films, movies like Parasite and Once upon a time in Hollywood are great too.


Once Upon A Time In Hollywood was far more self-indulgent than 1917. A good 45 minutes could have been cut from that masturbatory movie and the story would have been much better because of it.


Once Upon A Time In Hollywood was far more self-indulgent than 1917. A good 45 minutes could have been cut from that masturbatory movie and the story would have been much better because of it.

Absolutely agree with you


This entire era of cinema is trash. Pretentious Oscar bait like 1917 is just as guilty for this fact as Marvel, Disney's Star Wars, and the rest of the popular film industry are.


I’ve seen very few films that were made in the past ten years that I have enjoyed.


I can't think of any within the past ten years at all.


Thats funny because I was looking at my ratings for this decade.

I havn't rated a single movie 10/10 this decade compared to 2000' where I gave 2, and a handfull to 90's, 80's, 70's etc

Overtime Mad Max Fury Road could turn into a 10.


I know what you mean. I always get my favorites films on DVD and I organize them by year and the bulk are 70’s-80’s and taper off on both ends. I think I have 2 DVDs for 2010-2019 and they are True Grit and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.


Between movies like you point out, the remakes and reboots and all the influence of agenda culture (which will eventually burn out or implode), I truly think this is going to become a forgotten era in film.


This film was made for (1) Oscar bait and (2) the one-shot gimmick. This is not art.

100% correct. well said.


What inconsistencies?


Mission Failed. The hero fails the mission and gets his best friend killed. Failure makes a good movie?


Is that actually what happens? That's fitting for this generation. You failed and got your best friend killed? Gold star for you!

In schools these days, kids get gold stars for not doing things that they would get in trouble for rather than for actually doing good things. You didn't hit the teacher today? Have a gold star! You used the bathroom correctly and didn't shit on the floor? Have another gold star!


Well, the mission was accomplished late, which is considered a failed mission. Upon delivering the letter with orders, the general states they will probably be given orders to charge the germans the next day. So, yeah...


Was a good movie what you going on about?


No, it wasn't. Paper thin plot and overall boring narrative.


Your opinion. Doesn’t mean your right or wrong. I have a different one


I think this is a teenager who thinks Hobbs & Shaw was the best action movie of all time.


I agree. The trench scenes felt interminable and really added nothing to the overall story. They could have and should have been edited.


Which trench scenes?


See I loved those scenes. It basically put you right in the trenches with the soldiers, where it's just a maze of sandbags and random men. The closer to the line they went the more I noticed the tension in the soldiers.


Yeah but they just felt so long to me. Just my personal feeling. After a while I was like I get it.


I'm not sure it is a sure fire winner... now if they had made the messenger a retarded soldier it would have increased the odds of a win and certainly given whoever played the retarded soldier an Oscar... Nothing says winner like an actor playing a tard.


Your opinion about It Follows being a horror great contradicts this statement.

It Follows is chock full of long takes whith not much going in the frame and an atmosphere track playing in the background.


The long takes in It Follows help build in the tension of the impending doom that "IT" can bring at any time and it is used effectively in that regard.
