Sorry, bad.

Hey, don't blame me, I really want this to be great! I'm only two eps in, and I do intend to finish, but this really isn't very good, honestly. Derivative premise, wooden acting, horrible artistic choices in music, etc. I mean, like, end of episode one, they could've chosen, you know, good music, but instead they went with some homogenized millennial anthem that even millennials themselves can't stomach. Episode two strains credulity. I mean, I guess they were just lucky a rogue planet happened to be cruising on by at just the time they needed a planet to land on? Groan.


that is bad


Ever seen any SF show ever before?

My biggest problem is that post-production is beyond sucky and looks shot on phones or action cameras.


Yeah, so I understand what good sci-fi looks like. I understand the vast majority is garbage.


Here's a little secret; Good science fiction is always about the people.


Okay, I became ever so slightly invested by the end of the season, but good god was this thing mediocre! If nothing else, pleases fire your music director for season 2!!


I'm struggling to get through this. They should've spent less money on visual effects (which are pretty good) and a little more on the screenplay. It's like a hodgepodge of random stuff. Big artifact lands on Earth. The average person seems to take this in stride, only the authorities are concerned. So they send out an FTL ship (why no colonies if we have FTL drive?) and that ship visits every fuсking star in this part of the galaxy except the one they're supposed to be going to. Boron based viruses that make your spinal cord come alive and crawl out of your body. Alien forests with flowers that get you stoned, tunneling bugs that attack and die - except for a baby that chews through some wires and fries itself causing the whole ship to malfunction. It's like the script was written by a ten year old with ADD. One tangent after another, without focus.

And of course we have an overdose of the obligatory volatile technology. The engines, the stasis modules, the computer, is there anything on the Flying Dutchman that doesn't cause a disaster if the slightest thing goes wrong? Apparently OSHA doesn't exist in the future. Then just when real progress starts happening the army storms the artifact on Earth for no reason while the worst crew in history who can't set a simple course from A to B is busy clubbing and having threesomes in their quarters. WTF? It feels like two episodes' worth of story was stretched out into ten hours so the whole middle part is simply burning up time.

I'm not surprised Netflix hasn't been promoting this thing. I doubt very much there'll be a Season 2.
