MovieChat Forums > Crawl (2019) Discussion > There's a disturbing lack of diversity

There's a disturbing lack of diversity

All the alligators are green-skinned. That shows a persistent lack a racial sensitivity. What about non-green alligators? What about transgender alligators? What about crocodiles? What about reptilian diversity?

The lack of inclusivity in this movie is extremely disturbing, not to say the way it fully dismisses the reptilian LGTB community. Are the producers green-alligator supremacists?


Lol please keep this up


Well, well. Look what we have here. How much did your cold-blooded reptile friends pay you to be the SJW of the swamp?




I think there was a trans gator in here. The one that ate the lady on the boat. You can tell by the bone structure.


Did you really have to bring that shit up? We've had enough of it as is.


I see. You're one of those green alligator supremacists that support the CCC (Cro-Co-Clan).

Why do you hate non-green alligators so much? And don't change the subject, because we all know you're here to spread your message of reptilian hate!


I've never seen an alligator that wasn't green, except for albino alligators. This movie must hate white alligators!


You tell us. You're the one here that supports that message of hate and discrimination!


Are they really green though? You can hardly see them most of the time as they're either hiding or submerged in water which can give a mistaken colored hue. They're supremacists though as they hate white people. All they ever attacked were white humans. Wait, if it's white folks then that's okay. It's only racist if whites do it.


They're supremacists though as they hate white people. All they ever attacked were white humans.

We know that we're living interesting times (as the Chinese saying says) when somebody tries to be ironic and actually hits the nail :-P

The director of this movie is Alexander Aja. He's one of the very few people that can get a movie financed in Hollywood with a mostly white cast. You're likely to see more diverse cast in a movie about Vikings or Robin Hood than in any of his movies. No kidding.

There's very few directors like that. I can think Christopher Nolan... and perhaps somebody else, not many. So... why is Alexander Aja so special? why he's not asked for a more diverse cast to be financed by Hollywood?

Nolan is extremely powerful, and that explains it. But... Alexander Aja??? He has no power, he's a secondary director. However... all his movies have a common pattern: most of the cast gets massacred. And oddly enough (or not), he's one of the few directors allowed by Hollywood to have non-diverse casts.

Interesting times, when you try to be ironic, but you actually hit the nail...


Didn't know that, was just going along with the troll post as I find those fun. Maybe he gets away with it because they're massacring a non-diverse cast as you've mentioned. Mind you I'm only speculating on why he gets away with it. I don't think there is a quota though and is rather up to the directors discretion I suppose.


I do think there's a quota, but... it's not something explicit, it's more of a non-written rule, some kind of new religious code. Like going to Church a couple of centuries ago... how often? once a week? what happens if you skipped? what happens if you're sick? what happens if you're traveling? There's no explicit rules, but people try to stay in the safe side so they don't become the ones that are suddenly singled out as 'evil' and chased in the next witch-hunt.

But it's not always easy, since it's often vague. Check CD Projekt and the new Cyberpunk game. They tried to stay in the safe side, but they didn't try hard enough and last month mainstream media joined against them in a little witch-hunt.

In this case, I imagine producers trying to balance it: with Alexander Ajá, you get a diverse cast, that means you get a diverse cast massacred, and that could be even more politically incorrect than non having a diverse cast... same as it happens in religion, you don't always know what will unleash a witch-hunt... sometimes you just have to choose and hope for the best.


You didn't mention caimen, take your hate elsewhere speciest.


You're completely right, but I'd like to point out that the term 'caimen' is sexist and discriminatory. You should use 'caibeings', or 'caimen and caiwomen', though this last one is discriminatory with the caiLGTB community, since it dismisses non-binary caibeings.


Somewhere there is a group of Komodo dragons putting together their signs so they can march against the lack of Asian reptilian representation in today's Hollywood.


That's never going to happen. Komodo dragons are way too lazy to organize anything like that. They spend all their time laying around in the sun, smoking pot and collecting welfare.


absolutely ... where the fuck were the albino alligators ??
