Why I Love This Movie

I am a 51 year old man and I love the Annabelle/Conjuring franchise of movies.

I love the set designs of this movie. They put some work in showing what a grocery store of the time was like. The set of the Warrens' house was amazing. The paneling, the floor tile. I don't usually get into these technical aspects of films but someone worked very hard to recreate the era of 1969.

The movie itself is very scary. There is one horror movie cliche; however, I won't give that away. That is OK. It's still a very good and a very scary movie.

The soundtrack is amazing! I love it.

I know that what I am about to say next is going to put my under virtual fire, but I can take it.

As long as they keep making movies in the Annabelle/Conjuring franchise and I am still on this earth and physically able then I will keep going to see them.


It wasn't my favorite of the franchise but I thought the characters were handled very well and liked that each of the girls had their own stuff going on. They felt like real, distinct people. Some horror movies don't develop characters at all or they make them unlikable and that's definitely not the case here. I also like the mostly faith positive aspect of these movies. I don't care what people believe. It's just nice when believing in itself isn't mocked.

Speaking of the future, I hope we see more of these characters. Maybe once the main actress, McKenna, is older and can play an adult Judy. The Conjuring universe doesn't have a lot of recurring characters/actors outside of Ed and Lorraine, Father Perez, and the villains so it'd be nice to see more of that. They could be in another sequel about Annabelle, or a Black Shuck spin-off, or anything really, as long as it's a good story.


It was a very good horror movie. A solid film, I would recommend for teenagers, but they prefer Fast & Furious or Saw. This was so much better than so many other horror movies, it's ridiculous. I would probably die before I finish naming all those wastes of time.
