Killing Humans?

So was Athena really killing humans at The Manor all along? Or was this really their first batch and the idea came from what the victims spread on the internet?


I tend to think it was the first time. I believe Athena had no reason to lie at the end since both women were the last of their "teams" and only one of them was going to make out alive. Just like Snowball had no reason to lie either.

Then again, there's no guaranty that either of them did not lie. So, all in all, I think it was purposely ambiguous. Your guess is as good as mine. I'm thinking that liberal viewers mostly think this was the first time(for revenge) and that the more conservative viewers think they were doing it all along. It was made so people of either allegiance can have an end that suits them better, I think.


The movie makes it pretty clear that the whole Manor thing was a initially a joke, which she then made real to get payback on the internet trolls.


I disagree. I don't think it's clear at all. Plus... remember the first prisoner who wakes up early during the flight in the beginning of the movie? He got stabbed in the neck but didn't die right away. So Athena came in and finished him coldly by sticking her high heel in his eye like it was nothing. Suggesting it was far from her first murder. Then again maybe it was (her first murder). Maybe you are right. Maybe it was all a joke and that she was a born psychopath who never embraced her murdering impulses. It just shows again how the origin of the hunt can be anything BUT clear.


Umm yeah it was pretty damned clear. This isn't some clever movie where the conversations we see are misdirection used to set up some later twist. You can pretty much take those scenes at face value and conclude that this was their first time doing this.

The flashback with her being fired where she says it's a joke, the fake embassy guy trying to get them to realize why the rich people were specifically targeting those 12 people, the whole back and forth with Gilpins character at the end, and they straight up say she's been training for 8 months for this. It was pretty obvious this was the only time they did this. There was zero to suggest that "manorgate" had be real all along except for the ramblings of the right wing nut jobs.


Yeah his only counter to all of the times where it's made explicitly clear that it's the first hunt is that she looks like she's killed someone before. I think I'll go with it being the first hunt.


Totally. There is a flashback explaining it all. No doubt, first time.




The flashback with her being fired where she says it's a joke

Yes, she says it's a joke but we have no idea if it actually WAS a joke.

It's sort of like when Liberal Progressives on Twitter say "Kill all white men!" and then support Antifa attacking and nearly (or actually) murdering people during riots, and then fall back to "I was just joking". Are they really just joking?

they straight up say she's been training for 8 months for this.

Except she had been training for much longer than that based on her combat expertise.

CM Punk trained for two years with some of the best MMA trainers around and didn't look half as good nor anywhere near as confident.

the fake embassy guy trying to get them to realize why the rich people were specifically targeting those 12 people

And that doesn't speak to any potential prior group who may have been put through something similar, and perhaps the fake embassy guy also tried getting other survivors to "see reason" as to why they were being hunted.

It was pretty obvious this was the only time they did this.

For the group in the bunker with the military coordinator, it was obvious it was THEIR first time.

Here are a few reasons why it seemed like it wasn't the first time "Manorgate" had been a thing:

1. The old couple at the gas station were extremely comfortable killing multiple people and acted as if they had done it before with their pre-planned poison and weapon-ready expertise. They were not like the newbies in the bunker who explicitly stated that it was their first time.

2. As mentioned above, Athena had no qualms about murdering a man in cold blood, while the others -- again the same group who said it was their first time -- were hesitant and reluctant to kill him. It obviously pointed to Athena having killed before.

3. Athena denied having a manor in Virginia, but that's because she had the manor in Croatia.




In the flashback scene, they explain that the military consultant instructed them they can only select 12 people because it is their first time.


It was the first time for the people who were in the bunker with the consultant.

Athena never said it was her first time. It was only the first time for her friends who had been fired who were in that scandalous chat room.


I think the first one, because her life was ruined by the internet rumor, so she possibly thought the risk of her life was worth taking.
