fuck this show

Its getting too much love. As a counterbalance let this thread be the way for some negativity aimed at this series

I'll start.

I don't have D+ so can't watch it.. like I'm not invited to the party or something.. fuck this series!


The storytelling is repetitive. It could use something other than your basic RPG "do a side-quest to progress on your quest" technique.


If this was done in a film most of the episodes would be done in a montage of him going to place A, getting info for place b and so on.


At least two of the episodes of this series are almost completely superfluous. The frog lady one and the Ahsoka episode.

Most of the episodes are very light on story and heavy on fan service.

And yeah it's like watching somebody playing an rpg half the time.


Fuck this series more than ever!


I kind of agree with you. Every established show creator needs someone standing behind them, following them everywhere, to counter all the praise, reminding them that they are just human, and they can still write stuff that sucks, and that their dialogue needs polishing, and that they can do better.

A voice of doubt to cancel out all the ego and praise. It would save so many shows/movies series.

It should be a standard thing in the entertainment industry.

I would volunteer for the job.


"Its getting too much love."

How would you know? You haven't seen it.


lol I can read reviews and have access to social media


Most of which say the show is good. You said it's too much. You can't say that since you haven't seen it.


I get all the praise for the first season - the second season though? Not so much.


If you asked Santa for Disney+ you'd be able to watch it. But only if you're a good boy.


i havent been


no one is ...


the show is overrated , but not bad


I agree, it is not bad but is overrated.

Calling a show overrate does not equate it to bei ng bad. For example, even the second best show ever can be overrated if people think of it as THE best show ever.


I pretty much feel the same. My position has always been that it's not bad but definitely overrated (and increasingly so) which is worrying. Lot's of overpraise for what's just an "okay" show that mostly coasts on fan service & has some legitimate problems. Overpraising and overhyping fan service heavy mediocrity is what gets you the Di$ney trilogy, setting yourself up for future disappointment. Not that this show is anywhere near as bad.


It's a bit normal when it's quite ok compared with the other shit and when it breaks the trend ...
