She's annoying

So I'm 4 episodes in, please no spoilers. I love the concept but she is so cynical and narcissistic that I find it annoying. I would never choose to be around someone like this in real life. Is this worth following through on or does she just get worse?


I'm sorry that you find Alma to be such a turn-off. I absolutely adored this show and find season two to be even better than the first.


She's very "human". Yes, I'll agree she is very annoying but she has issues and the real world would call her schizophrenic, I think.

She is also very self destructive never being satisfied with what she has and always wanting more (boredom and lack of gratitude are two of her destructive tendencies). I think this drives the plot though. She's not my favorite character and I probably wouldn't hang out with her in real life as our ideologies would clash pretty hard I think. I don't think we'd like each other.

I started watching this out of curiosity but got hooked by the concept. I'm more interested in watching the show for that than the characters. I'll see season two through the end and if a 3rd season comes along I may or may not stick with it but these are all definitely flawed characters and I'm pretty sure they want it to be that way.


I finished season 2 and thought I'd come back to update my post. Without giving any spoilers, the series definitely became a lot more interesting and pretty cool, actually. While I stand by my assessment that she started out far too self-absorbed and pity-wallowing, she did grow as a character and I'd like to think it cured her of some of that. A very original series and quite touching. I was iffy on the rotoscoping but for what they did with it, it was a far better choice than going live action and filling it with bargain basement CGI like so many other shows. It enabled them to dive into the premise and, once you get kind of used to the animation style, it made the things that happened a lot easier to but into. If anyone else is starting out annoyed with her, stick with it and it'll be worth it.
