Limited audience

Director/Writer: Danny Boyle, 62 years old. Didn't realize he made so many notable movies.

Not as old as the Beatles (all seniors or dead). People over 50 will be familiar with the Beatles' popularity and songs, but those under 40 will not. Not many people over 50 go to the movies.

Might be an interesting story about society forgetting the past. Hope it's not just old folks nostalgia for their teen years.


Well i am "familiar with the Beatles' popularity and songs" , but i am neither under 40 or over 50 so im not sure if i'm allowed to see the movie :P


Sure you are allowed to see it, Mark. There's no reason not to.


I'm under 40...just barely, and I'm looking forward to it.


Child of the sixties, here, and happy to say I am too, welcome to the club. You are NEVER EVER too young! BTW Many people my age even OLDER-i.e., teenagers when the Beatle4rs first hirt, and their parents go to flix.


I agree, the Beatles have a limited audience.

Only 99 out of 100 people have heard of them.


It's narrower than that, because only about 98 out of those 99 people like their songs.


And only 97 of those 98 love their songs.


In what universe are you living where people under 40 are unfamiliar with the music and popularity of the Beatles?! Even if you’ve never actively seeked out their music, it’s impossible to not be familiar with a least a few of their songs.


Who r these Beetlez?


They used to exist, but since summer 2019 no longer do.


Yes, those of us under 40 have been wondering-- who are these Beatles of which the old-timers speak?

Come on, get a clue. Ask anyone of any age who they think the best band of all time is, and you're going to hear the Beatles more often than not no matter how old the person is. And just as a relevant aside, I work as a DJ, and I get asked for the Beatles by 10 year-olds, college kids, Millennials, and basically everyone.


But not by the under 10s.


No, they mostly want to hear Baby Shark.

I just returned from seeing it, and the theater was fairly full. Saw a number of older couples, looked to be 50-70 range, as well as a few groups of 13-16 looking girls, and a few early teen guys. Definitely a mix of ages. The movie itself is great, not entirely what I expected in some ways, but overall entertaining and hilariously funny throughout.


Young people who see the movie are in for a shock -- musicians used to have real talent. They might start expecting more from their pop stars.


You're right, but unfortunately young people wont' get it. They're brainwashed by modern pop crap.


I am under 40 and am fully aware of the popularity and impact of The Beatles back in the day and even now. They are one of my own favourite bands.

However I wouldn't bother watching this on account of it just looking like another twee Richard Curtis romantic comedy, which I'm not a fan of.


I just returned home from watching it. As I've seen only one of Richard Curtis' previous films, Love Actually, I don't know if this fits the mold of his other films, but this is nothing like Love Actually. I don't know offhand what film I'd compare this one to, but it doesn't fit into the romantic comedy mold. It's hilarious throughout, so it's certainly comedy, and I suppose there are moments of romance, but really it's more of a film about success and integrity, with great music throughout.


I'm in my 30s and love the beatles! and most my peers do too


So glad to hear that! It’d be a shame to see the Beatles fade away.
